Antioxidants & Vitamin A

SkinCeuticals Customer Buzz

  Discover the SkinCeuticals customer buzz! Our customers can’t stop raving about these game-changing products. From glowing complexions to visibly smoother skin, SkinCeuticals has transformed their skincare routines. Dive into their personal stories and see the difference it’s made in … [Read more...] about SkinCeuticals Customer Buzz

The Power of Niacinamide Serums

Niacinamide, also known as vitamin B3, is a powerhouse ingredient in skincare that offers a multitude of benefits for various skin types and concerns. This water-soluble vitamin is celebrated for its versatility and effectiveness in improving skin health, making it a staple in many skincare … [Read more...] about The Power of Niacinamide Serums

Vitamin C Customer Reviews – Squeeze the Radiance, Bottle the Glow!

This week we're highlighting our Vitamin C Customer Reviews as they're one of our top selling products! These serums have become a skincare staple for their remarkable benefits in promoting a healthy and radiant complexion. Renowned for its powerful antioxidant properties, vitamin C aids in … [Read more...] about Vitamin C Customer Reviews – Squeeze the Radiance, Bottle the Glow!

Vitamin B Skincare Review

Vitamin B is one of the greatest serums for brightening up your complexion.  It gives you a sunnier glow with a more even tone - and this is due to niacinamide - that wondrous little ingredient that regulates pigmentation.  Not only can it do all that, but Vitamin B also regulates oil production, … [Read more...] about Vitamin B Skincare Review

Vitamin A Skincare Testimonials

Discover the transformative power of vitamin A skincare through our authentic experiences and glowing testimonials. We know there are a lot of options out there, that's because vitamin A should be in your daily skincare routine! Find out what we choose to use ourselves. Vitamin A in skincare is … [Read more...] about Vitamin A Skincare Testimonials

The Top 7 Skincare Ingredients

As we age, our skin undergoes various changes, such as loss of elasticity, increased dryness, and fine lines and wrinkles. While ageing is a natural process that cannot be stopped, using anti-ageing skincare products can help slow down the signs of ageing and maintain a youthful appearance. However, … [Read more...] about The Top 7 Skincare Ingredients

Best Eye Cream Review

Using an eye cream is a great way of upping your skin care routine and getting even better results.  But with so many to choose from, you can often give up, not really knowing which one is the right one for you. We all love a good eye cream here at The Skin Care Clinic and one of the most common … [Read more...] about Best Eye Cream Review

Vitamin C Skincare Review

Vitamin C!  Quite possibly the greatest of all vitamins in skincare.  Why?  Well, it brightens, repairs, protects and even outs the skin tone and texture, as well as stimulating collagen, making it great for fine lines and wrinkles.  So if you’re not using a vitamin C serum, why not??!! Read this … [Read more...] about Vitamin C Skincare Review

Vitamin A Product Review – Antiaging Skincare

Vitamin A (or retinol/retinal) is one of the greatest skin care vitamins for fighting signs of premature ageing, such as fine lines and wrinkles, loss of elasticity and skin tone and texture.  It achieves this by speeding up cellular turnover, meaning that you are making newer cells faster, leaving … [Read more...] about Vitamin A Product Review – Antiaging Skincare

Vitamin B – Niacinamide Product Review

You will have often heard us recommend Vitamin B - or Niacinamide. You will find it in many of your cosmeceutical skincare products and it should be in your daily skincare routine. With so many products available, which do we use ourselves? Check out our Niacinamide product review to see which … [Read more...] about Vitamin B – Niacinamide Product Review

Vitamin A – Retinol Product Review

As we age our body slows down, we may not like it - but it's normal. While some forms of ageing we need to accept, there is actually quite a lot we can do for our skin. We know that our skin cell turnover reduces as we age, and science has been using Retinoids to increase this process again for … [Read more...] about Vitamin A – Retinol Product Review

Aspect Dr – Why The Hype

Aspect Dr is 100% Australian owned and made which is something that is important to a lot of Australians.  Their products are manufactured in Melbourne and they employ hundreds of staff members! The brand has actually only been around since 2007, which is quite amazing, considering the amount of … [Read more...] about Aspect Dr – Why The Hype

Best Under Eye Cream For Dark Circles

Many people suffer from dark circles and puffiness under their eyes. It can be a chronic problem or one that simply pops up when it is least wanted! The reason why we don’t like it is because having dark areas under the eyes makes us look older than we actually are.  It’s an age-old story that we, … [Read more...] about Best Under Eye Cream For Dark Circles

Moisturiser Review – Our Favourites!

Do you have a favourite moisturiser? It's often the product that we stay faithful to the most. What happens when it no longer feels quite right? When you feel like you need to keep topping it up during the day. Perhaps it's feeling too heavy now that you've changed your cleanser or mask that you … [Read more...] about Moisturiser Review – Our Favourites!

Best Vitamin E Skin Care for Glowing Skin

Vitamin E is found naturally in the skin in varying forms and is cleverly able to travel deep into the skin to the dermis. This is due to it being lipid-soluble and a powerful antioxidant in its own right, though when combined with other ingredients – WOW, it can have some punch! That's why we're … [Read more...] about Best Vitamin E Skin Care for Glowing Skin

Things That Calm – Our Favourites Reviewed!

We're taking a break from stressed skin with our Things That Calm review! I'm sure you've all experienced red, hot inflamed skin at some stage. Be it sunburn, shaving rash, dermatitis, rosacea, skin treatments or sensitive skin. The result can feel horrible and seem to take an age to calm down. As … [Read more...] about Things That Calm – Our Favourites Reviewed!

Vitamin D in skin care – finding balance for your skin

The use of Vitamin D in skin care is only relatively new and this super Vitamin D cream from Societe hasn’t been on our shelves for long, but we are already in love with the results. Here is a little about the importance of Vitamin D for the health of our skin. In order to maintain overall skin … [Read more...] about Vitamin D in skin care – finding balance for your skin

Vitamin C Review – Our Favourites!

Enjoying the sun? We love the Sun here in Australia, but let's face it, it's harsh. With one of highest rates of Melanoma's in the world, we also need to be careful. For many of us the damage is already showing, starting as a tan or freckles and slowly ageing our skin. Did you know there's actually … [Read more...] about Vitamin C Review – Our Favourites!

Vitamin C skin care for strength

This week it is all about Vitamin C, one of the most important serums to add to your skin care routine. Here we talk about what it is and why you’ll love it.   What is Vitamin C skin care? Vitamin C is the most important Antioxidant to combat UV damage in your skin. However, it actually … [Read more...] about Vitamin C skin care for strength

Vitamin B Skin Care – Every Skin Needs it

This week we are looking at Vitamin B skin care options. Vitamin B continues to be one of our top selling serums, and here you will find out why.   What are Vitamin B serums? Vitamin B is a wonderful vitamin for skin care because it is so versatile. Not only does it perform so many … [Read more...] about Vitamin B Skin Care – Every Skin Needs it

Vitamin A Skin Care Review – Our Favourites!

We're all working towards that perfect, healthy skin. Glowing with natural beauty and making us feel confident. The reality is though, that your skin is a part of your living body, and changes and matures as you do. Guess what though, you don't have to make it worse, and you can actually make it … [Read more...] about Vitamin A Skin Care Review – Our Favourites!

Vitamin A (Retinol) improves your skin

Over the next few months, we will be providing in-depth information about vitamin serums - what they are - how they are made - what they do and who should use them.  This week, we are delving into Vitamin A (retinol).   What is Vitamin A (Retinol)? Vitamin A is commonly referred to as a … [Read more...] about Vitamin A (Retinol) improves your skin

Vitamin A – essential for your skin

Vitamin A – Facts, Types and Use Vitamin A skin care products improve the health of your skin. They work by normalising how your skin functions, which in turn helps your skin to stay strong and healthy. This makes it a powerhouse in your skin care regime. It was conclusively proven in 1996 that … [Read more...] about Vitamin A – essential for your skin

The Importance of Vitamin B Serums

  Let’s chat about Vitamin B Serums! We all know it’s important to include this in our daily routine, but do we understand why? In recent times, Vitamin B has been a bit misunderstood. The hype always seemed to be around Vitamin C, but really, Vitamin B shouldn’t be left off your daily to-do … [Read more...] about The Importance of Vitamin B Serums

Best Retinol Skin Care Reviewed

We all want to wake up with glowing skin. How can we make sure this continues to happen throughout life? Your best bet is Retinol. There are so many Retinoids available at the moment, the most common being Retinol (Vitamin A skin care). As one of the most used and understood anti-ageing skin care … [Read more...] about Best Retinol Skin Care Reviewed

Everyday Skin Care Needs

  While your skin's colour and texture may be different to your best friends, your everyday skin care needs are both the same. Your skin is there to protect your body from the outside world, acting as a waterproof layer that allows your body to move freely. It also protects against … [Read more...] about Everyday Skin Care Needs

Essential Vitamins for your Skin

  There are always constant advancements when it comes to health, and skin care is no exception. From antioxidants to zinc, you will often read about the latest and greatest discovery in skin care. But what do these ingredients actually do, and what are the essential vitamins for optimal … [Read more...] about Essential Vitamins for your Skin

Skin Commandments

  1. I shall eat a better diet Did you know that medical professionals refer to your gut as your ‘second brain’?  Well this is because, just like the brain in our heads, the gut influences so many aspects of our health and in particular, our skin. This is where our Skin Commandments come … [Read more...] about Skin Commandments

Christmas Getaway Skin Care Essentials

For many of us, Christmas is a time we disappear from the routine of life to relax with family, friends or just by ourselves. Whether we jump on a plane, pack the car with camping and hiking gear or the body-boards, buckets and spades (and sunblock), it’s just a nice time that most of us enjoy.  … [Read more...] about Christmas Getaway Skin Care Essentials

Serums: How They Change Your Skin

  Serums - the Significant Difference! If you want to effect change in your skin, whether it is to beat your acne, slow the process of ageing in your skin or fight your redness, you need to use serums. Creams and moisturisers are universally known and understood, often being all that a … [Read more...] about Serums: How They Change Your Skin

Vitamin A, Retinols, essential for skin health

I’m sure you have heard it before…’your skin needs Vitamin A’.  Ok, great, but why?  And which one?  And how do I use it? Let’s talk Vitamin A - Retinols for your skin…. and keep it simple.     What is Vitamin A? Vitamin A is commonly referred to as a ‘retinoid’. This is … [Read more...] about Vitamin A, Retinols, essential for skin health

Vitamin E: The Essential Hydrator

Vitamin E is found naturally in the skin in varying forms and is cleverly able to travel deep into the skin to the dermis. This is due to it being lipid-soluble and a powerful antioxidant in its own right, though when combined with others – WOW, it can have some punch! Vitamin E is actually a … [Read more...] about Vitamin E: The Essential Hydrator

Vitamin C and Your Skin

The most important Antioxidant to combat UV damage in your skin is - you guessed it, Vitamin C! However, it actually does so much more... This amazing, well-proven ingredient Vitamin C is an essential part of anyone’s routine who is truly creating a healthier, better-looking skin that ages … [Read more...] about Vitamin C and Your Skin

A Healthy Immune System – for Body, Soul and Skin

  When our body is struggling with maintaining a healthy glow, we know it's time to give our body an extra boost. It is a time when building, supporting and maintaining a healthy immune system is the best way to naturally get rid of any nasty bugs or issues that have been lurking around for … [Read more...] about A Healthy Immune System – for Body, Soul and Skin

Skin Care for your 20’s and 30’s

  Whether you enjoyed gorgeous, clear skin in your teens or were plagued with pimples, once you hit your 20’s you need to re-evaluate how you care for your skin. So...what does skin care for your 20's and 30's look like? At around age 25, skin begins the ageing process. Step by step from … [Read more...] about Skin Care for your 20’s and 30’s

Environmental Impacts on Skin

  Where we live and the lives that we lead, are all big factors in not only our general health, but the health of our skin.  So whether we live in the country, or the inner city, the environmental impacts play an integral part in skin health. With our skin being our largest organ, one of its … [Read more...] about Environmental Impacts on Skin

Free Radicals and Skin

What Are Free Radicals? They are the "baddies" in our skin because they cause our cells to become dysfunctional...which makes us age faster! Free radicals are minute chemical particles that are usually the result of an inflammatory chemical process – they are the leftover bits caused from … [Read more...] about Free Radicals and Skin

Face Masks – A Weekly Essential

Choosing face masks can feel overwhelming when they all appear so similar and yet can achieve such different results! Face masks are a great addition to any good home-care routine, providing a wide array of benefits, boosting results and bringing that luxurious feel of having a ‘treatment’ in … [Read more...] about Face Masks – A Weekly Essential

Growth Factors – the New Age of Skin Care

Ageing, Sun-Damaged Skin? Growth Factors Are What You Need! Growth Factors are natural substances made by our cells to maintain healthy skin. They essentially control everything - regulate cell production, growth, division and maturation! We need them to keep healthy and looking good with a … [Read more...] about Growth Factors – the New Age of Skin Care

Alpha Lipoic Acid – Antioxidants for Youthful Skin

Alpha Lipoic acid – does your skin need it? Alpha Lipoic acid, also known as Lipoic acid, ALA or thioctic acid is a very special antioxidant, both for our skin as well as our bodies and brains. Like other antioxidants, it can be taken orally (food and drink) as well as applied topically. It is … [Read more...] about Alpha Lipoic Acid – Antioxidants for Youthful Skin

Is Chocolate Good for Your Skin?

Chocolate is a food most of us love! However, it is so often associated with guilt - it’ll make me fat, I’ll have pimples next week, I’ll develop diabetes, it’s not good for me... and yet, how do I stop loving putting the soft brown squares into my mouth?! Is chocolate good for your … [Read more...] about Is Chocolate Good for Your Skin?