Activated charcoal has become a popular ingredient in skincare products due to its powerful detoxifying and purifying properties. This natural ingredient, made from carbon-rich materials like coconut shells, wood, or peat, is processed to create a highly porous substance that can attract and bind … [Read more...] about The Benefits of Activated Charcoal in Skincare
Perioral Dermatitis
Perioral dermatitis is quite a common concern, especially in women, who seem to suffer it more than men. It presents as a red, rash-like irritation around the mouth and often around the nose and on the eyes, particularly the eyelids. If you have suffered this condition, then you might think that … [Read more...] about Perioral Dermatitis
Stress, Cortisol and Your Skin Problems
Over the last few years, most people in the world have experienced much higher levels of stress than usual. Covid, lockdowns, covid again, war, cost of living, fires and now floods. It’s been a lot. When your body is under stress, its natural response is to produce extra cortisol. What is … [Read more...] about Stress, Cortisol and Your Skin Problems
Aspect Dr – Why The Hype
Aspect Dr is 100% Australian owned and made which is something that is important to a lot of Australians. Their products are manufactured in Melbourne and they employ hundreds of staff members! The brand has actually only been around since 2007, which is quite amazing, considering the amount of … [Read more...] about Aspect Dr – Why The Hype
Anti-Red Product Review
Red, inflamed, dry, irritated, flakey, itchy, blotchy or just super sensitive. If any of these words describe your skin, then there are some specially designed products that can help, with great results. Read this week's Anti-Red product review to find out some of wonderful products that we use to … [Read more...] about Anti-Red Product Review
Best Under Eye Cream For Dark Circles
Many people suffer from dark circles and puffiness under their eyes. It can be a chronic problem or one that simply pops up when it is least wanted! The reason why we don’t like it is because having dark areas under the eyes makes us look older than we actually are. It’s an age-old story that we, … [Read more...] about Best Under Eye Cream For Dark Circles
Sensitive and Reactive Skin Care Options
Sensitive skin can be painful and frustrating to live with. While you want relief from your skin, you can often become wary of skincare products. Don't despair though, we are leading you through our sensitive and reactive skin care options. Helping you find calm and clear skin. Sensitive … [Read more...] about Sensitive and Reactive Skin Care Options
Sensitive Skin Care Review – Our Favourites!
Having sensitive or reactive skin is both a painful and frustrating problem. We completely understand that many of you will feel very wary of trying anything new on your skin - and yet are often desperate for your skin to improve. We have put together this sensitive skin care review so you can see … [Read more...] about Sensitive Skin Care Review – Our Favourites!
Vitamin A – essential for your skin
Vitamin A – Facts, Types and Use Vitamin A skin care products improve the health of your skin. They work by normalising how your skin functions, which in turn helps your skin to stay strong and healthy. This makes it a powerhouse in your skin care regime. It was conclusively proven in 1996 that … [Read more...] about Vitamin A – essential for your skin
Covering Redness
Do we all remember the scene in Clueless where Dee is applying Cher’s makeup for her big date night with Christian. She repeatedly complains that she’s ALL RED!!! The most unwanted/disapproved finish to any lady’s makeup is redness! We all fear it and want to immediately hide it up. Buying every … [Read more...] about Covering Redness
Stress on Skin
Are you prone to break outs? Acne? Redness? Dry, tight itching skin? Chances are you’ve experienced; or continue to experience one or more of these skin conditions in your lifetime. How about during times of stress? We’re almost certain there’s lots of nodding going on right now. These … [Read more...] about Stress on Skin
Mindfulness and Exercise; Your Daily Inner Skincare
At The Skin Care Clinic, it is not uncommon for us to see stress-related, inflammatory skin conditions such as acne and rosacea. However, stress of all kinds contribute to ageing, causing you to look and feel older much earlier! This is something that only you can change, as there is no skincare … [Read more...] about Mindfulness and Exercise; Your Daily Inner Skincare
Christmas Getaway Skin Care Essentials
For many of us, Christmas is a time we disappear from the routine of life to relax with family, friends or just by ourselves. Whether we jump on a plane, pack the car with camping and hiking gear or the body-boards, buckets and spades (and sunblock), it’s just a nice time that most of us enjoy. … [Read more...] about Christmas Getaway Skin Care Essentials
Rosacea – Best makeup tips
You’ve been diagnosed with rosacea or suspect you have it? Possibly you are thinking back to your childhood seeing your Auntie Dot with awful thick reddened cheeks, and you, looking in the mirror - just wonder. Your cheeks, chin and between your eyes just seem to be always red and get redder when … [Read more...] about Rosacea – Best makeup tips
Sensitive Skin – Common Q&A
There are lots of things that you can do to reduce the stress your skin is experiencing. Sensitive Skin is often a problem when our body is under pressure. Start out by using chemical-free skin care and avoid perfumed/fragranced products. Often our skin doesn't react well to these when our body is … [Read more...] about Sensitive Skin – Common Q&A
Menopause Flareups and Sensitivities – Common Q&A
It's all well and good to say there are simple measures to control, relieve or avoid menopause flareups and sensitivities - but we don't always realise we have them to begin with! Find out what we recommend when women start seeing changes in their skin around the beginning of … [Read more...] about Menopause Flareups and Sensitivities – Common Q&A
Face Masks – A Weekly Essential
Choosing face masks can feel overwhelming when they all appear so similar and yet can achieve such different results! Face masks are a great addition to any good home-care routine, providing a wide array of benefits, boosting results and bringing that luxurious feel of having a ‘treatment’ in … [Read more...] about Face Masks – A Weekly Essential
Vitamin D vs Sunlight Conundrum
If you are aware, or care about how to be healthy, you are likely to be a little confused about the Sun and, more relevantly, the UV rays which come from it. We are told to protect ourselves and our children from the potentially damaging Ultraviolet Light which the sun puts out and which is … [Read more...] about Vitamin D vs Sunlight Conundrum
Mental Health Affects Your Skin
Our skin has a sneaky habit of showing how we feel on the inside. If you’ve ever blushed from embarrassment, turned red from anger, or gone white from fear, then you’ve witnessed this firsthand. But not only does our skin change colour due to our emotions, it also alters when we are … [Read more...] about Mental Health Affects Your Skin
Growth Factors – the New Age of Skin Care
Ageing, Sun-Damaged Skin? Growth Factors Are What You Need! Growth Factors are natural substances made by our cells to maintain healthy skin. They essentially control everything - regulate cell production, growth, division and maturation! We need them to keep healthy and looking good with a … [Read more...] about Growth Factors – the New Age of Skin Care
Alpha Lipoic Acid – Antioxidants for Youthful Skin
Alpha Lipoic acid – does your skin need it? Alpha Lipoic acid, also known as Lipoic acid, ALA or thioctic acid is a very special antioxidant, both for our skin as well as our bodies and brains. Like other antioxidants, it can be taken orally (food and drink) as well as applied topically. It is … [Read more...] about Alpha Lipoic Acid – Antioxidants for Youthful Skin
Shea Butter – Best Kept Secret for Winter Dryness
Shea Butter has been a universally loved ingredient in skin care products for centuries. It is the superfood for skin as it is naturally high in essential fatty acids, Vitamins E, D, A, plus many minerals. The five main fatty acids are palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and arachidic acids. The … [Read more...] about Shea Butter – Best Kept Secret for Winter Dryness
The What, Why and How of Cleansing
Quite often, it’s easy for us to complicate things in our lives. Our skin care seems to be one of those things that we over-think and then overlook and eventually, it all ends up getting put on the back-burner. To make things easy, we’re getting back to the basics of skin care. The what’s, why’s and … [Read more...] about The What, Why and How of Cleansing
How to Choose a Cleanser
It’s a little overwhelming isn’t it? There are so many cleansers out there and so much information. So, how to choose a cleanser? We plan to dispel the myths and give it to you straight! If you currently just use water to rinse your face – you need to first find out WHY you need to use a … [Read more...] about How to Choose a Cleanser
Moisturisers – What, Why and Which…
As with any product, choosing the right moisturisers depends on the type of skin you have, as well as understanding your skin’s current needs, which are always changing. That is why it’s a good idea to see a skin care professional regularly so that you can be prescribed the right products for your … [Read more...] about Moisturisers – What, Why and Which…
Rosacea – What it is and how to treat it!
Do you suffer with flushing of the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead? You may have Rosacea... Early diagnosis is the easy key to successful management of Rosacea, however, with the right information you can manage and treat it at any stage. Rosacea occurs when groups of capillaries close to the … [Read more...] about Rosacea – What it is and how to treat it!
Sensitive and Reactive Skin
Sensitive and reactive skin is not pleasant at the best of times, and unfortunately it makes finding skincare difficult. The last thing you want to do is try 100 different options, leaving you in more pain that when you started. But, you're desperate to solve the issue once and for all. Sensitive … [Read more...] about Sensitive and Reactive Skin
Common Toxic Chemicals to avoid in your skin care products
Toxic chemical's as ingredients in personal care products slowly build up in your system and/or your skin over time creating a dehydrated, more sensitive, reactive skin which is in poor health. For this reason alone it is best to avoid them. Here are some of the common ones. SLS - Sodium … [Read more...] about Common Toxic Chemicals to avoid in your skin care products
Why Do We Get Wrinkles?
Is there more to them than the fact you are older? As with any other organ in our body, the physiological structures and functions of the skin continuously decline with increasing age. Fine lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores, lack of moisture and pigmentation are all signs that we associate with the … [Read more...] about Why Do We Get Wrinkles?
Chronic Illness and Oncology Friendly Products
Chronic illness and oncology friendly products can be a minefield to wade through when you are feeling unwell and don't know where to start. We know that when we are run down, other organs of the body suffer; this includes our skin, which is our largest organ of the body. Normally the skin is the … [Read more...] about Chronic Illness and Oncology Friendly Products
Men’s Skincare Stories
We asked four men to take part in Men’s Month, using our Men's Skin Care Kits and having treatments. They have all been using products for at least two weeks and all started their experience with a Personalised Skin Consultation including a tailor-made Hydrating Facial Treatment. Here we … [Read more...] about Men’s Skincare Stories
Rosacea – Inflammation and gut health
The causes of rosacea are not positively proven, however the symptoms are known and, as we see this condition in clinic all the time, given time and commitment by the sufferer we know how to treat it. Want to understand more about rosacea - read here. Start with the gut biome! This is where … [Read more...] about Rosacea – Inflammation and gut health
Rosacea – Client stories
Ronnie’s story Rosacea, when Gaye asked me to write about how I feel about my face since beginning treatment for my rosacea, the first thing to come to mind was the way I feel about myself now. After struggling with rosacea for so long, I was starting to feel that it was getting worse with … [Read more...] about Rosacea – Client stories
Rosacea – Best in clinic facial treatments
Rosacea skins tend to be dehydrated, even when there is acne and the skin feels oily. The best way to treat rosacea is by firstly reversing the cause of the dehydration. Diet and fluids to begin the anti-inflammatory effect. Building strength and immunity of the skin with (again) diet, but … [Read more...] about Rosacea – Best in clinic facial treatments
Dehydrated Skin
Dehydrated skin - winter skin needs some special care Will drinking more water help? As you age your skin loses its capacity to change with the change of season, often becoming dehydrated during the Winter which can be a surprise as it's considered a “wet” season with more moisture in the air. The … [Read more...] about Dehydrated Skin
Green Vegetables
We have been told to eat our "green" vegetables since childhood... but why? What is the benefit to our skin (and bodies), and why can't we just use products instead to solve our skin issues? For a start - no matter how amazing your skin care routine is, if you are continually putting your body … [Read more...] about Green Vegetables
Menopause; the hormone years!
Menopause or “The change” as it is colloquially known will eventually effect you if you are a woman, there is no escaping it! Physiologically, changes begin to happen in the ovaries usually around the late 40’s, finalising when your body says so. The whole out of our control process often lasts … [Read more...] about Menopause; the hormone years!
Ageing Gracefully
This special day is fast approaching and so whether you specifically celebrate it or not, it’s a day most of us think about the magic of our mums. Even if you don’t “get-on” and won’t communicate you’ll still spend time reflecting on your life and how it relates and has been formed by your … [Read more...] about Ageing Gracefully
Water – Life Saver and Regenerator
Our body is made up of between 60-75% water depending on the stage of life we are in. 15% of our body weight is water which is around 4-5 kg in a normal sized adult. We know it is very important to our general well-being however studies are showing that when we are dehydrated our cognitive … [Read more...] about Water – Life Saver and Regenerator
Even SENIORS can change their SKIN!
Seniors Week It’s Seniors Week here in Tasmania and my mum’s 80th Birthday! She thoroughly enjoyed her present, the show Matilda, and so did I! My mum is in great form, very active, grows her own veggies, so involved in life, far more social than me and of course, like all mothers – knows … [Read more...] about Even SENIORS can change their SKIN!
Change and your skin
The 'C' word... Change I thought it appropriate, as our new newsletter is being formatted, to discuss Change. There has been a lot in our office this year which, by the way is not unusual as we are always striving to improve ourselves and our services to you. Change isn’t just about … [Read more...] about Change and your skin