Elderly Skin

Crow’s Feet

Crow’s feet and fine lines around the eye area are an inevitable sign of facial ageing that typically begin to form as tiny lines in a person’s mid-twenties. Over time, these fine lines begin to deepen into more pronounced wrinkles or folds that are visible even when a person is expressionless.  … [Read more...] about Crow’s Feet

How do Growth Factors Improve Your Skin

Your cells naturally make Growth Factors to maintain healthy skin. They essentially control everything – regulate cell production, growth, division and maturation! You need them to keep healthy and looking good with a well-functioning skin. As you and your skin ages, fewer growth factors are … [Read more...] about How do Growth Factors Improve Your Skin

Younger Looking Skin Secrets

Do you look in the mirror and wish you had younger looking skin? While one of the greatest things about ageing is letting go of other people’s opinions and living more for ourselves.  Becoming more tolerant, patient and having a true and deep understanding and acceptance for who we are.  For some of … [Read more...] about Younger Looking Skin Secrets

Makeup for Dry Skin

When it comes to makeup application, there’s two words our drier skinned friends fear the most, ‘Flaky and Cakey’. This occurs from foundation that is too matte and accentuates dryness, or products that are too heavy and leave skin feeling tight and restricted. Words such as dewy, plump, hydrated, … [Read more...] about Makeup for Dry Skin

Vitamin D vs Sunlight Conundrum

If you are aware, or care about how to be healthy, you are likely to be a little confused about the Sun and, more relevantly, the UV rays which come from it. We are told to protect ourselves and our children from the potentially damaging Ultraviolet Light which the sun puts out and which is … [Read more...] about Vitamin D vs Sunlight Conundrum

Growth Factors – the New Age of Skin Care

Ageing, Sun-Damaged Skin? Growth Factors Are What You Need! Growth Factors are natural substances made by our cells to maintain healthy skin. They essentially control everything - regulate cell production, growth, division and maturation! We need them to keep healthy and looking good with a … [Read more...] about Growth Factors – the New Age of Skin Care

Alpha Lipoic Acid – Antioxidants for Youthful Skin

Alpha Lipoic acid – does your skin need it? Alpha Lipoic acid, also known as Lipoic acid, ALA or thioctic acid is a very special antioxidant, both for our skin as well as our bodies and brains. Like other antioxidants, it can be taken orally (food and drink) as well as applied topically. It is … [Read more...] about Alpha Lipoic Acid – Antioxidants for Youthful Skin

Shea Butter – Best Kept Secret for Winter Dryness

Shea Butter has been a universally loved ingredient in skin care products for centuries. It is the superfood for skin as it is naturally high in essential fatty acids, Vitamins E, D, A, plus many minerals. The five main fatty acids are palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and arachidic acids. The … [Read more...] about Shea Butter – Best Kept Secret for Winter Dryness

Pigmentation & Uneven Skin Tone – Understanding Yours

So many of us have pigmentation and an uneven skin tone on our face and body. To varying degrees, differences in skin colour are natural, however, for some people it is a real issue...so what is it, what causes it and what can we do about it, I hear you ask? The Anatomy and Physiology of … [Read more...] about Pigmentation & Uneven Skin Tone – Understanding Yours

Sensitive and Reactive Skin

Sensitive and reactive skin is not pleasant at the best of times, and unfortunately it makes finding skincare difficult. The last thing you want to do is try 100 different options, leaving you in more pain that when you started. But, you're desperate to solve the issue once and for all. Sensitive … [Read more...] about Sensitive and Reactive Skin

Why Do We Get Wrinkles?

Is there more to them than the fact you are older? As with any other organ in our body, the physiological structures and functions of the skin continuously decline with increasing age. Fine lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores, lack of moisture and pigmentation are all signs that we associate with the … [Read more...] about Why Do We Get Wrinkles?

Dehydrated Skin

Dehydrated skin - winter skin needs some special care Will drinking more water help? As you age your skin loses its capacity to change with the change of season, often becoming dehydrated during the Winter which can be a surprise as it's considered a “wet” season with more moisture in the air. The … [Read more...] about Dehydrated Skin

Luxury Essentials for the more mature skin

so... what are the luxury essentials in the 6 Luxury Essentials for the more mature skin You have a cleanser you love, and a moisturiser? sunblock. You always use a Vitamin A at night and your Vitamin C, E and B in the morning - but your skin still is dry at times, looks a little dull, how about … [Read more...] about Luxury Essentials for the more mature skin

Ageing Gracefully

This special day is fast approaching and so whether you specifically celebrate it or not, it’s a day most of us think about the magic of our mums. Even if you don’t “get-on” and won’t communicate you’ll still spend time reflecting on your life and how it relates and has been formed by your … [Read more...] about Ageing Gracefully

Makeup And Ageing Gracefully

[themedy_alertbox icon="" colour="yellow" custom_colour=""]Read the makeup tips below or jump straight to the recommended products (click here).[/themedy_alertbox] (by Rosie Geeves) It is all well and good to suggest a range of products and tips with the current youth trends in mind, but what … [Read more...] about Makeup And Ageing Gracefully

Even SENIORS can change their SKIN!

Seniors Week It’s Seniors Week here in Tasmania and my mum’s 80th Birthday!  She thoroughly enjoyed her present, the show Matilda, and so did I!  My mum is in great form, very active, grows her own veggies, so involved in life, far more social than me and of course, like all mothers – knows … [Read more...] about Even SENIORS can change their SKIN!