Shea Butter – Best Kept Secret for Winter Dryness

Shea Butter - Hydration At Its BestShea Butter has been a universally loved ingredient in skin care products for centuries. It is the superfood for skin as it is naturally high in essential fatty acids, Vitamins E, D, A, plus many minerals. The five main fatty acids are palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and arachidic acids. The butter is made from the seeds from the fruit of the Karite tree in Africa. Mainly considered a cure all for super dry, sensitive skin and for baby products it has many other benefits and is quite a surprisingly useful ingredient to find in your moisturiser whatever your skin concern.

As we so often tell our clients, your skin cannot change, and will not be feeling or looking its best, if it is dehydrated. Shea Butter, as an emollient has the ability to lock in moisture to the skin, as an humectant it continues to draw more moisture, both of which are due to all the fatty acids it contains so is the “bees-knees” for dry skin. However, it does so much more than just this. It soothes and balances the skin as it hydrates treating inflammation from all sources.  


The Absolute Benefits of Shea Butter

  • Anti-inflammatory, healing and protective
  • Fights free radicals, repairing and healing damaged cells
  • Reduces redness and sensitivity
  • Wound healing – increases micro-circulation:
    • soothes and takes out the itch from insect bites, cuts, grazes and burns
    • can be used on eczema and psoriasis to reduce irritations
    • reverses the damage from shaving; treating rashes and ingrown hairs
  • Anti-ageing:
    • rebuilds and rejuvenates collagen and elastin increasing suppleness and decreasing wrinkles
    • assists in the reduction of pigmentation and age spots, brightening skin
  • Shea Butter - Hydration at its BestHydrates and acts as an emollient treating rough, cracked, chaffed, irritated skin beautifully. Perfect for dry lips, hands, elbows, knees, heels and chests.
  • Acne treatment:
    • Mimics sebum on the skin’s surface, tricking the skin into thinking it has enough, and thereby reducing sebum and oil on the skin. This helps to change the pH of the surface as well.
    • Has anti-microbial properties which helps to keep the skin clean
    • Will not clog pores
    • Decreases inflammatory marks/scars after pimples
    • Works as a spot treatment for breakouts
    • Treats acne when skin has been stripped from using harsh products
  • Scarring treatment and may work to prevent stretch marks if used prior to them developing
  • Has some UV-B absorbing capabilities, though you’d never use it solely as a SPF
    • Is also excellent when used to soothe sun and wind burn, reversing cellular damage
  • Hair Care – repairs damage from environment, from treatments and chlorine

WOW – an amazing ingredient!

Refined or Unrefined Shea Butter?

It is important that the product you choose with Shea Butter in is unrefined.  Like so many things today, once refined, the goodies decrease and disappear. So, if your product isn’t having the results you expect, it may be refined. Then within both types there are grades. You want A grade of course – only the best for your skin!

How to tell –

Unrefined Shea Butter will smell slightly nutty, be creamy off-white to yellow and feel a little hard. When placed in your hands it will quickly dissolve to liquid as it melts with body temperature. If it is soft and white it is more than likely to be refined and useless for you.

**It is very rare for people to have an allergy to Shea Butter, however if you do have a nut allergy, you do need to be aware that it is possible and take your usual precautions.


Enjoy this amazing hydrating and nutrient rich skin care ingredient – your skin will love you for it!


CosMedix Rescue Plus Balm and MaskOur Fave is the CosMedix Rescue Balm though we do have other products containing it which are great. None of us would be without it though we all have different skin types and concerns:

  • Some examples of our daily use:
    • Adding some to any moisturiser every morning or night
    • Using it as a mask when skin is really dry and sleeping in it
    • Nappy rash and chin chaffing when babies are drooling
    • Shaving irritations and ingrown hairs
  • Gaye’s mum uses it on her sore legs which are riddled with skin cancers and she maintains it makes all the difference to how they heal and how they feel
  • Recently on holiday, Gaye got too much sun and it took all the heat and soreness from the area
  • Meagan uses it on her babies’ sore chins and cheeks when teething
  • Maddie spot-treated breakouts during her exams
  • Everyone uses it on their lips, elbows and heels!

 Every home in the world should have a tube of Rescue Balm!! 

Says Gaye – it is soooo universally useful!



Still not sure?

If you need more help or would like personalised advice on what skincare products are best for you, book now for your consultation with a skin care advisor:

Book Your In-Clinic Consultation.


Or fill in the Online Skin Consultation and Gaye, our registered nurse, will happily help you to choose the right treatments and products for your skin type or concern.

Online Skin Consultation

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