
Celebrity Secrets Unveiled – Skincare Celebrities Are Using

In the glamorous world of celebrities, maintaining flawless and radiant skin is a top priority. Ever wondered about the secrets behind their ageless beauty? Well we at The Skin Care Clinic like to say that ‘there is almost nothing that the Anistons and Kardashians of the world use that we don’t … [Read more...] about Celebrity Secrets Unveiled – Skincare Celebrities Are Using

Omnilux Skin Solutions

As we age, damaged skin loses elasticity and the ability to regulate pigment production. This leads to sags, wrinkles, age spots, and redness. With published clinical studies and 20 years of research, Omnilux Skin Solutions (contour range) uses optimised doses of red and infrared light to … [Read more...] about Omnilux Skin Solutions

Cosmetic Therapies (Injectables) vs Skincare

Are you in two minds about cosmetic therapies (injectables) vs skincare? Many are - including me. I've actually have some wrinkle/muscle relaxing treatments. Since moving away though, I only get it when I come back home and see our amazing Dr Christine in our clinic. I can say though, as much as I … [Read more...] about Cosmetic Therapies (Injectables) vs Skincare

Best Treatments For Eye Wrinkles

Taking Care of Eye Wrinkles and Those Frustrating Fine Lines Smile lines, crow's feet, eye wrinkles and under eye crepiness tend to be the first thing we notice about ourselves as we age and the first thing we subconsciously notice about someone else: “she’s looking older”, we may think when … [Read more...] about Best Treatments For Eye Wrinkles

Best Hyaluronic Acid Serums For Your Skin

What’s your ideal skin? It’s likely soft, plump and glowing with good health. When you’re no longer achieving this epitome of skin health naturally, it’s time to invest in Hyaluronic Acid... Acid? Really? Yes!!! Get ready to discover why Hyaluronic Acid is your skin's new best friend. In truth it’s … [Read more...] about Best Hyaluronic Acid Serums For Your Skin

Vitamin A – essential for your skin

Vitamin A – Facts, Types and Use Vitamin A skin care products improve the health of your skin. They work by normalising how your skin functions, which in turn helps your skin to stay strong and healthy. This makes it a powerhouse in your skin care regime. It was conclusively proven in 1996 that … [Read more...] about Vitamin A – essential for your skin

Best Wrinkle Treatments and Prevention

Wrinkles are a natural part of ageing, frustratingly true. While our genetics can determine skin texture and structure. Wrinkles are more prevalent in those with more exposure to the sun and especially with light skin. Of course, there are other factors causing wrinkles. These are the basics; such … [Read more...] about Best Wrinkle Treatments and Prevention

Best neck and decolletage treatment options

The Sun loves your neck and decolletage… So, your face looks 10 years younger (thanks to your outstanding skin care routine of course). You feel it's as healthy as it can be... and yet your hands, neck and decolletage tell a different story. You always wear a hat and a good physical sunblock every … [Read more...] about Best neck and decolletage treatment options

Younger Looking Skin Secrets

Do you look in the mirror and wish you had younger looking skin? While one of the greatest things about ageing is letting go of other people’s opinions and living more for ourselves.  Becoming more tolerant, patient and having a true and deep understanding and acceptance for who we are.  For some of … [Read more...] about Younger Looking Skin Secrets

Mindfulness and Exercise; Your Daily Inner Skincare

At The Skin Care Clinic, it is not uncommon for us to see stress-related, inflammatory skin conditions such as acne and rosacea.  However, stress of all kinds contribute to ageing, causing you to look and feel older much earlier! This is something that only you can change, as there is no skincare … [Read more...] about Mindfulness and Exercise; Your Daily Inner Skincare

Repairing Sun Damage

Remember the good old days?  Driving to the beach on those hot summer days…no seat-belts, the back of your thighs sticking to the back-seat vinyl of your parents Kingswood.  Spending the whole day in the sun playing cricket and building sand castles. No hat, no sunblock, just golden brown bodies … [Read more...] about Repairing Sun Damage

Vitamin A, Retinols, essential for skin health

I’m sure you have heard it before…’your skin needs Vitamin A’.  Ok, great, but why?  And which one?  And how do I use it? Let’s talk Vitamin A - Retinols for your skin…. and keep it simple.     What is Vitamin A? Vitamin A is commonly referred to as a ‘retinoid’. This is … [Read more...] about Vitamin A, Retinols, essential for skin health

Vitamin E: The Essential Hydrator

Vitamin E is found naturally in the skin in varying forms and is cleverly able to travel deep into the skin to the dermis. This is due to it being lipid-soluble and a powerful antioxidant in its own right, though when combined with others – WOW, it can have some punch! Vitamin E is actually a … [Read more...] about Vitamin E: The Essential Hydrator

Makeup for Dry Skin

When it comes to makeup application, there’s two words our drier skinned friends fear the most, ‘Flaky and Cakey’. This occurs from foundation that is too matte and accentuates dryness, or products that are too heavy and leave skin feeling tight and restricted. Words such as dewy, plump, hydrated, … [Read more...] about Makeup for Dry Skin

Face Masks – A Weekly Essential

Choosing face masks can feel overwhelming when they all appear so similar and yet can achieve such different results! Face masks are a great addition to any good home-care routine, providing a wide array of benefits, boosting results and bringing that luxurious feel of having a ‘treatment’ in … [Read more...] about Face Masks – A Weekly Essential

Vitamin D vs Sunlight Conundrum

If you are aware, or care about how to be healthy, you are likely to be a little confused about the Sun and, more relevantly, the UV rays which come from it. We are told to protect ourselves and our children from the potentially damaging Ultraviolet Light which the sun puts out and which is … [Read more...] about Vitamin D vs Sunlight Conundrum

Mental Health Affects Your Skin

  Our skin has a sneaky habit of showing how we feel on the inside. If you’ve ever blushed from embarrassment, turned red from anger, or gone white from fear, then you’ve witnessed this firsthand. But not only does our skin change colour due to our emotions, it also alters when we are … [Read more...] about Mental Health Affects Your Skin

Growth Factors – the New Age of Skin Care

Ageing, Sun-Damaged Skin? Growth Factors Are What You Need! Growth Factors are natural substances made by our cells to maintain healthy skin. They essentially control everything - regulate cell production, growth, division and maturation! We need them to keep healthy and looking good with a … [Read more...] about Growth Factors – the New Age of Skin Care

Alpha Lipoic Acid – Antioxidants for Youthful Skin

Alpha Lipoic acid – does your skin need it? Alpha Lipoic acid, also known as Lipoic acid, ALA or thioctic acid is a very special antioxidant, both for our skin as well as our bodies and brains. Like other antioxidants, it can be taken orally (food and drink) as well as applied topically. It is … [Read more...] about Alpha Lipoic Acid – Antioxidants for Youthful Skin

Shea Butter – Best Kept Secret for Winter Dryness

Shea Butter has been a universally loved ingredient in skin care products for centuries. It is the superfood for skin as it is naturally high in essential fatty acids, Vitamins E, D, A, plus many minerals. The five main fatty acids are palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and arachidic acids. The … [Read more...] about Shea Butter – Best Kept Secret for Winter Dryness

Skin Care Stories from Mum

A story from one mum to the next and beyond...   Growing up in the 60’s and 70’s, my mum (above) was a little radical – well, she still is, actually!  Currently, in her 90th year, her annual trip to the skin specialist is now almost 3 monthly. Her face is fine, it’s her lower legs that have … [Read more...] about Skin Care Stories from Mum

Lips – Glorious Lips and Their Care

Lets Start From The Beginning... Lips Lips are great for smiling, kissing, talking and eating, plus so much more, but do we care for them enough? They are often an afterthought in our skin care regime. Realising why the skin on our lips is so special highlights why caring for them is so … [Read more...] about Lips – Glorious Lips and Their Care

How Sugar Affects Your Skin (Plus, Healthy Easter Recipes!)

  Easter is on the horizon and it’s such a great time of the year to come together with friends and family and have a nice relaxing break! It’s also the time of year where those of us who have a sweet tooth tend to consume large amounts of chocolate. Let’s face it, we all know that too much … [Read more...] about How Sugar Affects Your Skin (Plus, Healthy Easter Recipes!)

Best Products for Dehydrated Skin

Young, healthy skin holds water well, but from around age 25, the skin begins to lose its ability to retain it, showing signs of dehydrated skin, and with this its ability to function well. Our skin is such a complex organ, continuing to work even when missing essential nutrients, that we often … [Read more...] about Best Products for Dehydrated Skin

Pigmentation & Uneven Skin Tone – Understanding Yours

So many of us have pigmentation and an uneven skin tone on our face and body. To varying degrees, differences in skin colour are natural, however, for some people it is a real issue...so what is it, what causes it and what can we do about it, I hear you ask? The Anatomy and Physiology of … [Read more...] about Pigmentation & Uneven Skin Tone – Understanding Yours

UV Influence on Your Pigmentation

How the Sun Affects your Skin Feeling the warmth of the sun on our backs generally makes us feel good about the world. We also need sunlight to produce Vitamin D, which is essential for strong bones and our general health. However, there is an obvious downside to too much sun. The sun damages our … [Read more...] about UV Influence on Your Pigmentation

New Technology in Skin Care

At the Skin Care Clinic, we love seeing our clients achieving the results they want. The products that we use are cosmeceutical, meaning that they have a therapeutic benefit and are designed to promote change on a cellular level. Over the years there have been many advancements within technology in … [Read more...] about New Technology in Skin Care

Best UV Protection for Your Skin Type and Activity

It's one of the most important steps in your skincare routine. So finding out which is the best UV protection for your skin type is paramount. UV protections also the best anti-ageing product on your bathroom shelf. Therefore, it's a good habit to get into sooner rather than later. Since there … [Read more...] about Best UV Protection for Your Skin Type and Activity

Ageing Skin – The Sun’s Influence In How You Look!

Ageing skin - how and why? As we age naturally, new cell growth slows and the healing of damaged cells is less efficient, cell DNA is changed which means that the new cells being replicated are also damaged. As a consequence, the amount of healthy collagen and elastin fibres in your skin are … [Read more...] about Ageing Skin – The Sun’s Influence In How You Look!

Four must have Products for Wrinkles

    Four product varieties to help you age gracefully: Of course you need your cleanser as it is pointless adding a serum or cream to your face if it is not clean, but after you have patted dry -  if you are concerned about having a healthy skin which can therefore age well, or even … [Read more...] about Four must have Products for Wrinkles

Best Treatments for Wrinkles

Treat your wrinkles well and they will look younger! As with our physical and mental health, our skin requires a work out too. This is why regular, monthly facials keep the skin working in the best condition. Rather than opting for a “magic” serum to erase all of your lines and wrinkles before your … [Read more...] about Best Treatments for Wrinkles

Eight Lifestyle Tips and Tricks to Slow the Onset of Wrinkles

The best anti wrinkle solutions are the simple ones! Here are eight ways to slow the onset of wrinkles:   Start young - We know that prevention is better than finding a cure. This applies to our skin too. Arming yourself with the right knowledge about what your specific skin needs … [Read more...] about Eight Lifestyle Tips and Tricks to Slow the Onset of Wrinkles

Why Do We Get Wrinkles?

Is there more to them than the fact you are older? As with any other organ in our body, the physiological structures and functions of the skin continuously decline with increasing age. Fine lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores, lack of moisture and pigmentation are all signs that we associate with the … [Read more...] about Why Do We Get Wrinkles?

Dehydrated Skin

Dehydrated skin - winter skin needs some special care Will drinking more water help? As you age your skin loses its capacity to change with the change of season, often becoming dehydrated during the Winter which can be a surprise as it's considered a “wet” season with more moisture in the air. The … [Read more...] about Dehydrated Skin

Menopause; the hormone years!

Menopause or “The change” as it is colloquially known will eventually effect you if you are a woman, there is no escaping it!  Physiologically, changes begin to happen in the ovaries usually around the late 40’s, finalising when your body says so. The whole out of our control process often lasts … [Read more...] about Menopause; the hormone years!

Makeup And Ageing Gracefully

[themedy_alertbox icon="" colour="yellow" custom_colour=""]Read the makeup tips below or jump straight to the recommended products (click here).[/themedy_alertbox] (by Rosie Geeves) It is all well and good to suggest a range of products and tips with the current youth trends in mind, but what … [Read more...] about Makeup And Ageing Gracefully

Even SENIORS can change their SKIN!

Seniors Week It’s Seniors Week here in Tasmania and my mum’s 80th Birthday!  She thoroughly enjoyed her present, the show Matilda, and so did I!  My mum is in great form, very active, grows her own veggies, so involved in life, far more social than me and of course, like all mothers – knows … [Read more...] about Even SENIORS can change their SKIN!