Mindfulness and Exercise; Your Daily Inner Skincare

At The Skin Care Clinic, it is not uncommon for us to see stress-related, inflammatory skin conditions such as acne and rosacea.  However, stress of all kinds contribute to ageing, causing you to look and feel older much earlier! This is something that only you can change, as there is no skincare product on the market that targets stress reduction!  So, what do we recommend for keeping those worries under control? Taking time out for yourself and using simple tools such as mindfulness meditation and exercise.

Stress Mindfulness Exercise

Mindfulness – embracing this moment

Mindfulness meditation has its roots in ancient Eastern traditions such as Buddhism, but is becoming increasingly popular in Western therapies, particularly in the use of stress reduction.

Stress Mindfulness Exercise

A typical form of this type of meditation consists of focusing our attention on our inhaling and exhaling breath. By drawing our attention to the breath, we start to notice our thought processes, and gradually begin to let go of unhelpful and ruminating thoughts. In doing this over time, we come to realise that our thoughts and feelings, whether they are positive or negative, are transient.

Mindfulness meditation is a quick and easy way to reduce stress in our lives and is perfect for those people who feel like they don’t have enough time for traditional guided meditations. It can be done in 5-10 minutes, it doesn’t cost any money, and can be done anywhere, even in the shower! There are also certain apps that you can download to your phone such as Smiling Mind, that remind you daily to take that extra 5-10 minutes out daily to just breathe, or just create a recurring alarm on your mobile or computer at work to ‘Breathe’ – and while your at it why not write ‘stretch’…

Scientifically or biologically speaking, the physiological changes which occur in our body when we take just three deep breaths and let them out slowly is amazingly significant. Our switched on sympathetic nervous system, which is keeping us hyped-up and functioning is switched off, allowing our “rest and relax” parasympathetic nervous system to take over. Try it now and you’ll notice almost immediate changes in how you feel.

This change influences how your gut works, the enzymes which are made and how your hormones function, meaning that your whole body is affected and OMG – you feel so much better!!  Your skin benefits as a by-product of improved gut health and hormonal function, so no surprises that you feel and look younger!

So do your skin a favour, and try the FREE option of noticing your breathing for a few minutes each day!



Exercise and MindfulnessWe understand that exercise is beneficial for the overall health of our body, but were you aware that due to these benefits our general state of mind is improved. And we know that when our mental health is good and our body is functioning well, our skin is going to look and feel clear, radiant and healthy – the way we like it.  


It doesn’t take a lot, just 30 min a day! Try something you love, something which gets your heart racing will help your mind, your skin and your body.


It seems to be well proven that gut health is a major influencer on disease and stress, including anxiety and depression, raising cortisol levels and, whether your cortisol is too high or too low, guess what? You feel more stressed and your gut health suffers and with it your skin suffers.

This sort of suffering produces dry, dull skin, more prone to wrinkles and pigmentation. Allergies and auto-immune problems are likely to appear and you feel worse.

Depressing? For those of you with poor skin or who are fighting anxiety, high stress and/or are depressed, it is important for you to understand how important taking 30 min a day for exercise actually is;

  • Regulates breathing,
  • You’ll sleep better,
  • Evens out moods and emotions,
  • Carbs and proteins are absorbed more efficiently – 4 times more!!!
  • Increases brain function and clarity, making decision making easier, and
  • Circulation throughout the body is improved with both heart and blood valves working optimally.
  • If you’re outside you will get your daily Vitamin D intake at the same time.

All these things help gut and skin along with mind and brain, and of course your entire body.


15 mins of quiet mindfulness and 30 mins of walking –

what a way to improve your skin!





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