Cosmetic Therapies for wrinkles, cheeks & lips in Hobart, Tasmania
The most important aspect when deciding to have cosmetic therapies is choosing a practitioner with experience and knowledge. If you’re in Hobart then our Qualified Dr Christine Smith is your perfect choice.
Dr Christine Smith has been specialising in cosmetic medicine since 2004 and has an outstanding reputation in the industry. Christine only uses the most effective products available and stays current with techniques and trends. When booking an appointment with Dr Christine, you can be certain that you are in experienced hands.
Cosmetic Therapy Prices
With your initial consultation, you are able to receive your desired treatments on the day and prices are according to treatments given. We are unable to list treatment prices but there are no added consultation fees applied to your visit. Our Doctor will discuss this with you in full during your first visit to determine what is most suitable for you. We accept Afterpay and Zippay for our services.
- Wrinkle/muscle relaxing treatments
- Volume restoration treatments
- Platelet Rich Plasma
- Migraines
- Sweating
- Hyfrecator skin tag removal
View All In Clinic Treatments Available
Wrinkle/Muscle Relaxing
A natural purified protein is used to relax the wrinkle-causing muscles that cause your facial expression lines to form. It is commonly used to treat the lines of the crow’s feet, forehead lines and the glabella frown lines between the eyes. Creating for you a smoother, rejuvenated appearance. This is a very popular and effective treatment if you wish to look instantly younger. Read More >
Volume Restoration
Volume restoration is achieved by using gels that restore volume in your face. They fill lines and smooth the skin, while also providing hydration. These gels can plump up small areas such as the lips and brows and re-volumise larger areas like the cheeks and jawline. Sometimes they are used in conjunction with muscle relaxing treatments, or with other treatments that restore your skin tone, to rejuvenate and contour your whole face. A perfect treatment if you are looking for a smoother, more youthful appearance. Read More >
Platelet Rich Plasma
Platelet Rich Plasma Injection Therapy (PRP) is a method of treatment becoming widely popular in many medical fields including cosmetics. During the procedure, the patient’s blood is collected and undergoes centrifugation (spinning) in order to concentrate and activate the platelet count. The blood is then injected into the relevant site under local anaesthetic. Platelets, when activated, release chemicals known as growth factors, which stimulate tissue cells to synthesise and form new, healthy tissue. This relatively simple and minimally invasive procedure utilises healing properties in the blood to initiate a greater healing response in tissue that is failing to repair. Read More >
Using the same product that is used for wrinkle/muscle relaxing treatments our Doctor prevents chronic migraines. If you have frequent migraines, you are likely to see the optimal results with this particular treatment. In clinical studies, this treatment reduced headache days by 50% over 6 months for chronic migraine sufferers.
Excessive Sweating
Hyperhidrosis is the medical term used for excessive sweating – a debilitating and embarrassing condition that is more common than you realise. When your antiperspirants fail to work, we can treat the affected areas. These treatments are quick and easy and can be repeated every 6-8 months (but potentially last up to 18 months). These treatments can be used for your underarms, hands, face and feet.
Hyfrecator Skin Tag and Broken Capillary Removal
Easily remove your broken capillaries and skin tags on your face and upper body with the Hyfrecator. This machine works by using electrical waveforms to treat your skin without scarring or hyper-pigmentation. There is minimal discomfort involved and your healing times are usually less than a week. This is a well recognised method of electrosurgery, with proven results.
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