The Science

The Power of Niacinamide Serums

Niacinamide, also known as vitamin B3, is a powerhouse ingredient in skincare that offers a multitude of benefits for various skin types and concerns. This water-soluble vitamin is celebrated for its versatility and effectiveness in improving skin health, making it a staple in many skincare … [Read more...] about The Power of Niacinamide Serums

Active Ingredients vs Non-Active in your Skincare

  Imagine diving into a treasure chest brimming with potions and elixirs, each promising to grant you glowing, youthful skin. But before you start applying them all, it’s crucial to know what’s inside these magical vials. You only want to pay for the best of the best after all! Welcome … [Read more...] about Active Ingredients vs Non-Active in your Skincare

Hyaluronic Acid and Sodium Hyaluronate

Have you been wondering what your skincare must-have's should include? While there are many ingredients to love, Hyaluronic Acid (HA) and its salt form, Sodium Hyaluronate (SH), have taken the skincare world by storm, and for a good reason. These two ingredients, though related, offer unique … [Read more...] about Hyaluronic Acid and Sodium Hyaluronate

The Top 7 Skincare Ingredients

As we age, our skin undergoes various changes, such as loss of elasticity, increased dryness, and fine lines and wrinkles. While ageing is a natural process that cannot be stopped, using anti-ageing skincare products can help slow down the signs of ageing and maintain a youthful appearance. However, … [Read more...] about The Top 7 Skincare Ingredients

Skin Functions and Ageing

The skin is the body’s largest organ, made of water, protein, fats and minerals. Your skin protects your body from germs and regulates body temperature. Nerves in the skin help you feel sensations like hot and cold. Why are we giving you this anatomy lesson? When you're choosing your skincare, the … [Read more...] about Skin Functions and Ageing

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) – Do We Need It?

Keeping your skin hydrated is an all-time mission, and it is just impossible to miss this renowned hydrating ingredient: Hyaluronic acid (HA). Although called “acid”, hyaluronic acid is not an actual “acid” like BHA or AHA. Opposite to these typical exfoliating acids, hyaluronic acid is only an … [Read more...] about Hyaluronic Acid (HA) – Do We Need It?

Skincare Basics – Getting Started

Healthy skin does not happen overnight.  A consistent skin care routine is essential to optimise your skin health, fortify its defences and maximise your results. To enhance your knowledge, we have compiled these skincare basics. Including the typical steps in your daily skincare routine, as well as … [Read more...] about Skincare Basics – Getting Started

Omnilux Skin Solutions

As we age, damaged skin loses elasticity and the ability to regulate pigment production. This leads to sags, wrinkles, age spots, and redness. With published clinical studies and 20 years of research, Omnilux Skin Solutions (contour range) uses optimised doses of red and infrared light to … [Read more...] about Omnilux Skin Solutions

Stress, Cortisol and Your Skin Problems

Over the last few years, most people in the world have experienced much higher levels of stress than usual. Covid, lockdowns, covid again, war, cost of living, fires and now floods. It’s been a lot. When your body is under stress, its natural response is to produce extra cortisol. What is … [Read more...] about Stress, Cortisol and Your Skin Problems

Best Toners For Your Skin

Cleanse, tone and moisturise. These are the three steps I was taught when I was younger, and at that time, it consisted of a Nutrimetics cleanser, cheap supermarket toners and a Ponds or Nivea moisturiser - or if I was ‘in the money’ I’d lash out and purchase an Olay moisturiser. If I was feeling … [Read more...] about Best Toners For Your Skin

Anti-Ageing Skincare Ingredients

Have you ever looked at the back of the bottle of one of your skin care products and wondered what all those words mean? We talk a lot about avoiding nasty chemicals in skin care. We can assure you that we don't stock products that contain any in our clinic, but sometimes, even the good ones have an … [Read more...] about Anti-Ageing Skincare Ingredients

Aspect Dr – Why The Hype

Aspect Dr is 100% Australian owned and made which is something that is important to a lot of Australians.  Their products are manufactured in Melbourne and they employ hundreds of staff members! The brand has actually only been around since 2007, which is quite amazing, considering the amount of … [Read more...] about Aspect Dr – Why The Hype

Best Vitamin E Skin Care for Glowing Skin

Vitamin E is found naturally in the skin in varying forms and is cleverly able to travel deep into the skin to the dermis. This is due to it being lipid-soluble and a powerful antioxidant in its own right, though when combined with other ingredients – WOW, it can have some punch! That's why we're … [Read more...] about Best Vitamin E Skin Care for Glowing Skin

Vitamin D in skin care – finding balance for your skin

The use of Vitamin D in skin care is only relatively new and this super Vitamin D cream from Societe hasn’t been on our shelves for long, but we are already in love with the results. Here is a little about the importance of Vitamin D for the health of our skin. In order to maintain overall skin … [Read more...] about Vitamin D in skin care – finding balance for your skin

Vitamin C skin care for strength

This week it is all about Vitamin C, one of the most important serums to add to your skin care routine. Here we talk about what it is and why you’ll love it.   What is Vitamin C skin care? Vitamin C is the most important Antioxidant to combat UV damage in your skin. However, it actually … [Read more...] about Vitamin C skin care for strength

Vitamin B Skin Care – Every Skin Needs it

This week we are looking at Vitamin B skin care options. Vitamin B continues to be one of our top selling serums, and here you will find out why.   What are Vitamin B serums? Vitamin B is a wonderful vitamin for skin care because it is so versatile. Not only does it perform so many … [Read more...] about Vitamin B Skin Care – Every Skin Needs it

Vitamin A (Retinol) improves your skin

Over the next few months, we will be providing in-depth information about vitamin serums - what they are - how they are made - what they do and who should use them.  This week, we are delving into Vitamin A (retinol).   What is Vitamin A (Retinol)? Vitamin A is commonly referred to as a … [Read more...] about Vitamin A (Retinol) improves your skin

Best Hyaluronic Acid Serums For Your Skin

What’s your ideal skin? It’s likely soft, plump and glowing with good health. When you’re no longer achieving this epitome of skin health naturally, it’s time to invest in Hyaluronic Acid... Acid? Really? Yes!!! Get ready to discover why Hyaluronic Acid is your skin's new best friend. In truth it’s … [Read more...] about Best Hyaluronic Acid Serums For Your Skin

Vitamin A – essential for your skin

Vitamin A – Facts, Types and Use Vitamin A skin care products improve the health of your skin. They work by normalising how your skin functions, which in turn helps your skin to stay strong and healthy. This makes it a powerhouse in your skin care regime. It was conclusively proven in 1996 that … [Read more...] about Vitamin A – essential for your skin

Osmosis Face Mapping Empowering Glowing Skin

  Osmosis thinks differently. Their mission is to change the way we treat our skin, empowering its innate ability to heal itself to create real, lasting results without compromise. They do this by looking at skin care through a holistic lens. Rooted in the science of the skin-body … [Read more...] about Osmosis Face Mapping Empowering Glowing Skin

Lactic Acid and Skin Care Products

Have you heard how amazing Lactic Acid and skin care is? It's an important ingredient in your facial cleanser, serums and masks, as well as being so much more! Having clean skin has become particularly important in today's modern world. This is because the Environment is now filled with pollutants … [Read more...] about Lactic Acid and Skin Care Products

Everyday Skin Care Needs

  While your skin's colour and texture may be different to your best friends, your everyday skin care needs are both the same. Your skin is there to protect your body from the outside world, acting as a waterproof layer that allows your body to move freely. It also protects against … [Read more...] about Everyday Skin Care Needs

How do Growth Factors Improve Your Skin

Your cells naturally make Growth Factors to maintain healthy skin. They essentially control everything – regulate cell production, growth, division and maturation! You need them to keep healthy and looking good with a well-functioning skin. As you and your skin ages, fewer growth factors are … [Read more...] about How do Growth Factors Improve Your Skin

Genetics and Skin – How Much Does It Play A Part

Stretch marks, skin discolouration, varicose veins and sagging skin are some of the wonderful things that our parents can hand down to us. But just because our parents might have had these things doesn’t necessarily mean that we have to have them too. Skin disorders, just like any health disorder, … [Read more...] about Genetics and Skin – How Much Does It Play A Part

Benefits of Exfoliation

The primary purpose of exfoliation is to remove dead skin cells.  When our skin is functioning as it should be, usually, around every 28 – 30 days, our body will naturally shed dead cells as new cells will replace the old cells. However, overtime, an excess of dead skin cells accumulates. Giving us … [Read more...] about Benefits of Exfoliation

Farewell Gaye with Thanks to all…

OMG – another “baby” of mine has grown up, totally matured and now I am moving on! My “babies” of course are my three gorgeous, intelligent, wondrous children who I live in awe about and The Skin Care Clinic – 20 years plus on, it is time for it to reach to greater heights, to develop and reach a … [Read more...] about Farewell Gaye with Thanks to all…

Serums: How They Change Your Skin

  Serums - the Significant Difference! If you want to effect change in your skin, whether it is to beat your acne, slow the process of ageing in your skin or fight your redness, you need to use serums. Creams and moisturisers are universally known and understood, often being all that a … [Read more...] about Serums: How They Change Your Skin

Vitamin E: The Essential Hydrator

Vitamin E is found naturally in the skin in varying forms and is cleverly able to travel deep into the skin to the dermis. This is due to it being lipid-soluble and a powerful antioxidant in its own right, though when combined with others – WOW, it can have some punch! Vitamin E is actually a … [Read more...] about Vitamin E: The Essential Hydrator

Environmental Impacts on Skin

  Where we live and the lives that we lead, are all big factors in not only our general health, but the health of our skin.  So whether we live in the country, or the inner city, the environmental impacts play an integral part in skin health. With our skin being our largest organ, one of its … [Read more...] about Environmental Impacts on Skin

Free Radicals and Skin

What Are Free Radicals? They are the "baddies" in our skin because they cause our cells to become dysfunctional...which makes us age faster! Free radicals are minute chemical particles that are usually the result of an inflammatory chemical process – they are the leftover bits caused from … [Read more...] about Free Radicals and Skin

Vitamin D vs Sunlight Conundrum

If you are aware, or care about how to be healthy, you are likely to be a little confused about the Sun and, more relevantly, the UV rays which come from it. We are told to protect ourselves and our children from the potentially damaging Ultraviolet Light which the sun puts out and which is … [Read more...] about Vitamin D vs Sunlight Conundrum