Over the next few months, our article topics will feature real life questions that we have been asked either in the clinic or from one of our free online skin consultations, and this question about flawless makeup comes from one of our regular online shoppers, Megan. Her question is: ‘Help!! My … [Read more...] about A Guide To Flawless Makeup
Vitamin A – essential for your skin
Vitamin A – Facts, Types and Use Vitamin A skin care products improve the health of your skin. They work by normalising how your skin functions, which in turn helps your skin to stay strong and healthy. This makes it a powerhouse in your skin care regime. It was conclusively proven in 1996 that … [Read more...] about Vitamin A – essential for your skin
Covering Redness
Do we all remember the scene in Clueless where Dee is applying Cher’s makeup for her big date night with Christian. She repeatedly complains that she’s ALL RED!!! The most unwanted/disapproved finish to any lady’s makeup is redness! We all fear it and want to immediately hide it up. Buying every … [Read more...] about Covering Redness
Rosacea – Best makeup tips
You’ve been diagnosed with rosacea or suspect you have it? Possibly you are thinking back to your childhood seeing your Auntie Dot with awful thick reddened cheeks, and you, looking in the mirror - just wonder. Your cheeks, chin and between your eyes just seem to be always red and get redder when … [Read more...] about Rosacea – Best makeup tips
Free Radicals and Skin
What Are Free Radicals? They are the "baddies" in our skin because they cause our cells to become dysfunctional...which makes us age faster! Free radicals are minute chemical particles that are usually the result of an inflammatory chemical process – they are the leftover bits caused from … [Read more...] about Free Radicals and Skin
Face Masks – A Weekly Essential
Choosing face masks can feel overwhelming when they all appear so similar and yet can achieve such different results! Face masks are a great addition to any good home-care routine, providing a wide array of benefits, boosting results and bringing that luxurious feel of having a ‘treatment’ in … [Read more...] about Face Masks – A Weekly Essential
How Sugar Affects Your Skin (Plus, Healthy Easter Recipes!)
Easter is on the horizon and it’s such a great time of the year to come together with friends and family and have a nice relaxing break! It’s also the time of year where those of us who have a sweet tooth tend to consume large amounts of chocolate. Let’s face it, we all know that too much … [Read more...] about How Sugar Affects Your Skin (Plus, Healthy Easter Recipes!)
Rosacea – What it is and how to treat it!
Do you suffer with flushing of the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead? You may have Rosacea... Early diagnosis is the easy key to successful management of Rosacea, however, with the right information you can manage and treat it at any stage. Rosacea occurs when groups of capillaries close to the … [Read more...] about Rosacea – What it is and how to treat it!
Chirality In Your Skin Care
Chirality ensures your skin can have more effective, purer, safer ingredients penetrating deeper. The skin, which is the body’s largest organ, has millions of chiral receptors; they are on every single cell. These receptors can be affected by what you put on your skin, so if a substance is … [Read more...] about Chirality In Your Skin Care
Antioxidants – Vitamins for skin
[themedy_alertbox icon="" colour="yellow" custom_colour=""]Read the theory below or jump straight to our recommended antioxidant products (click here).[/themedy_alertbox] Antioxidants in Skin Care - one vital step to slow the aging process! What are antioxidants? They are chemicals that are able … [Read more...] about Antioxidants – Vitamins for skin
Rosacea – Inflammation and gut health
The causes of rosacea are not positively proven, however the symptoms are known and, as we see this condition in clinic all the time, given time and commitment by the sufferer we know how to treat it. Want to understand more about rosacea - read here. Start with the gut biome! This is where … [Read more...] about Rosacea – Inflammation and gut health
Rosacea – Client stories
Ronnie’s story Rosacea, when Gaye asked me to write about how I feel about my face since beginning treatment for my rosacea, the first thing to come to mind was the way I feel about myself now. After struggling with rosacea for so long, I was starting to feel that it was getting worse with … [Read more...] about Rosacea – Client stories
Rosacea – Best in clinic facial treatments
Rosacea skins tend to be dehydrated, even when there is acne and the skin feels oily. The best way to treat rosacea is by firstly reversing the cause of the dehydration. Diet and fluids to begin the anti-inflammatory effect. Building strength and immunity of the skin with (again) diet, but … [Read more...] about Rosacea – Best in clinic facial treatments
Green Vegetables
We have been told to eat our "green" vegetables since childhood... but why? What is the benefit to our skin (and bodies), and why can't we just use products instead to solve our skin issues? For a start - no matter how amazing your skin care routine is, if you are continually putting your body … [Read more...] about Green Vegetables
Acne Explained
The bane of life for many of us... a pimple! Even if you are predominantly clear skinned there will be times just when you don’t want them that one pops up – usually right in the middle of your forehead or chin! When its just one or two usually it’s stress and diet that are the culprits. As a … [Read more...] about Acne Explained
Influencing factors in ageing well
So why are we delving into the influencing factors in skincare? We have an amazing founder who has a wealth of knowledge that she kindly shares and inspired us with every week, and... Guess who is turning 60! The clinic's creator & owner of 20 years! It's time to Celebrate Gaye's Birthday … [Read more...] about Influencing factors in ageing well
Men’s Skin
Not all skins are created equal….women know this, but it is also true when it comes to male skin. While men do experience skin ageing, acne, sensitivity, pigmentation and other skin concerns just as women do, their products and treatments need to be focussed slightly differently. Skin … [Read more...] about Men’s Skin