Your Gut and Your Skin

A Gut Health Approach To Glowing Skin

The gut and the skin are both organs of elimination, meaning that they help to remove toxins and waste products from the body. When the gut is healthy and functioning properly, it can eliminate toxins efficiently, reducing the load on the skin and preventing breakouts and other skin issues. However, … [Read more...] about A Gut Health Approach To Glowing Skin

Perioral Dermatitis

Perioral dermatitis is quite a common concern, especially in women, who seem to suffer it more than men.  It presents as a red, rash-like irritation around the mouth and often around the nose and on the eyes, particularly the eyelids. If you have suffered this condition, then you might think that … [Read more...] about Perioral Dermatitis

Internal Health Product Review

More recently, the direct link between gut health and skin conditions has become more widely known. This is great news as skin concerns like acne, rosacea and eczema can be treated with more success.  This is precisely why we stock a range of supplements that complement your skin care and make you … [Read more...] about Internal Health Product Review

Wellness Product Review – Our Favourites!

Our skin is a reflection of what's going on inside our bodies... so frustrating, but true. Our wellness product review this week is focusing on ways to boost your bodies "inside" health. In an ideal world, we'd eat a healthy diet, exercise just the right amount and have a stress-free life without … [Read more...] about Wellness Product Review – Our Favourites!

How to Detox Your Skin After Easter

As the biggest organ in your body as well as an organ which excretes your toxins, your skin is very likely to feel the effects of too many sweet treats over Easter! This is where our Easter Special Article is just for you - assisting you to Detox your skin! Your skin may be looking dull or … [Read more...] about How to Detox Your Skin After Easter

Osmosis Wellness Supplements and Elixirs

Get ready to start caring for your skin from within. Osmosis Wellness have brought out an updated range of supplements and elixirs to assist your body to find it's optimal internal balance. Mindfully formulated to safely detox your body, increase your bodies repair process, and improve your overall … [Read more...] about Osmosis Wellness Supplements and Elixirs

Quitting Sugar – My Real Life Experience

I’ll start this by stating that I’m not a Doctor, Dietitian or Nutritionist. I’m a Dermal Therapist, and this article will get to my skin in the end, I promise!! I've recently experienced Quitting Sugar and I felt this was something you might all want to hear more about... as the results are far … [Read more...] about Quitting Sugar – My Real Life Experience

Farewell Gaye with Thanks to all…

OMG – another “baby” of mine has grown up, totally matured and now I am moving on! My “babies” of course are my three gorgeous, intelligent, wondrous children who I live in awe about and The Skin Care Clinic – 20 years plus on, it is time for it to reach to greater heights, to develop and reach a … [Read more...] about Farewell Gaye with Thanks to all…

Mindfulness and Exercise; Your Daily Inner Skincare

At The Skin Care Clinic, it is not uncommon for us to see stress-related, inflammatory skin conditions such as acne and rosacea.  However, stress of all kinds contribute to ageing, causing you to look and feel older much earlier! This is something that only you can change, as there is no skincare … [Read more...] about Mindfulness and Exercise; Your Daily Inner Skincare

Skin Commandments

  1. I shall eat a better diet Did you know that medical professionals refer to your gut as your ‘second brain’?  Well this is because, just like the brain in our heads, the gut influences so many aspects of our health and in particular, our skin. This is where our Skin Commandments come … [Read more...] about Skin Commandments

Christmas Getaway Skin Care Essentials

For many of us, Christmas is a time we disappear from the routine of life to relax with family, friends or just by ourselves. Whether we jump on a plane, pack the car with camping and hiking gear or the body-boards, buckets and spades (and sunblock), it’s just a nice time that most of us enjoy.  … [Read more...] about Christmas Getaway Skin Care Essentials

Gut Health and Your Skin

  Everyone is talking about "guts" lately. Specifically, gut health. It’s the biggest thing since the discovery that fat isn’t bad for us! The gut topic brings up subjects traditionally unspeakable and yet, like so many other modern topics, we find ourselves talking over the lunch table … [Read more...] about Gut Health and Your Skin

Sugars Effect on Your Skin – plus our Fav’ Sugar Free Recipes

  We all know that too much sugar in your diet can lead to an increase in weight, but how exactly does sugar affect the skin?  Does it really cause premature ageing, acne and redness?   The answer is YES Refined sugars cause our insulin levels to spike, which in turn triggers an … [Read more...] about Sugars Effect on Your Skin – plus our Fav’ Sugar Free Recipes

How to party, work and STILL look your best!!

Spring has arrived and as well as seeing more sun, you also see more invitations to parties, special events and weddings. You always like to look your best when attending special events, but the reality is that real change in your skin takes months of diligence in using great products, having … [Read more...] about How to party, work and STILL look your best!!

A Healthy Immune System – for Body, Soul and Skin

  When our body is struggling with maintaining a healthy glow, we know it's time to give our body an extra boost. It is a time when building, supporting and maintaining a healthy immune system is the best way to naturally get rid of any nasty bugs or issues that have been lurking around for … [Read more...] about A Healthy Immune System – for Body, Soul and Skin

Long Haul Flight Skin Care Essentials

Long haul flights do damage to your skin. No matter your destination and whether you are luxuriating in first class or down the back in what are the Long Haul Flight Skin Care Essentials?   Putting some time into considering your flight skin care needs might be the … [Read more...] about Long Haul Flight Skin Care Essentials

Vitamin D vs Sunlight Conundrum

If you are aware, or care about how to be healthy, you are likely to be a little confused about the Sun and, more relevantly, the UV rays which come from it. We are told to protect ourselves and our children from the potentially damaging Ultraviolet Light which the sun puts out and which is … [Read more...] about Vitamin D vs Sunlight Conundrum

Mental Health Affects Your Skin

  Our skin has a sneaky habit of showing how we feel on the inside. If you’ve ever blushed from embarrassment, turned red from anger, or gone white from fear, then you’ve witnessed this firsthand. But not only does our skin change colour due to our emotions, it also alters when we are … [Read more...] about Mental Health Affects Your Skin

How Sugar Affects Your Skin (Plus, Healthy Easter Recipes!)

  Easter is on the horizon and it’s such a great time of the year to come together with friends and family and have a nice relaxing break! It’s also the time of year where those of us who have a sweet tooth tend to consume large amounts of chocolate. Let’s face it, we all know that too much … [Read more...] about How Sugar Affects Your Skin (Plus, Healthy Easter Recipes!)

Pigmentation & Uneven Skin Tone – Understanding Yours

So many of us have pigmentation and an uneven skin tone on our face and body. To varying degrees, differences in skin colour are natural, however, for some people it is a real what is it, what causes it and what can we do about it, I hear you ask? The Anatomy and Physiology of … [Read more...] about Pigmentation & Uneven Skin Tone – Understanding Yours

Do Gut Health & Hormones Affect Your Skin Tone?

Our gut, or intestinal tract, is designed to break down what we eat into fuel and nutrients that the body can use. However, it does sooooo much more for us than just this mechanical process! It is extremely important that our gut can function well as so many things can go wrong throughout the body … [Read more...] about Do Gut Health & Hormones Affect Your Skin Tone?

Rosacea – What it is and how to treat it!

Do you suffer with flushing of the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead? You may have Rosacea... Early diagnosis is the easy key to successful management of Rosacea, however, with the right information you can manage and treat it at any stage. Rosacea occurs when groups of capillaries close to the … [Read more...] about Rosacea – What it is and how to treat it!

Preparing Your Skin For Summer

It’s Party Time!! The next 2 months for most of us are chock full of entertainment. Whether it’s the Spring Racing Carnival, the office Christmas party, or with friends and family, there are more opportunities to wear that fancy frock, stay up late, drink more wine and eat “yummy” foods which you … [Read more...] about Preparing Your Skin For Summer

Sensitive and Reactive Skin

Sensitive and reactive skin is not pleasant at the best of times, and unfortunately it makes finding skincare difficult. The last thing you want to do is try 100 different options, leaving you in more pain that when you started. But, you're desperate to solve the issue once and for all. Sensitive … [Read more...] about Sensitive and Reactive Skin

Contemplating Surgery?  

How to get the best results The health of your skin is never more important than the time before and after any form of surgery, but especially facial surgery. Whether the plan is the removal of a skin cancer or an eyelid lift, a nose reshape or a major facelift, the more planning you can give your … [Read more...] about Contemplating Surgery?  

Men’s Gut Health

Gut health is just as important for men as women when it comes to having healthy skin which ages well and is clear of pimples. Hopefully you’ve now read all about men’s skin, how it is the same yet different to women’s skin. You have the facts, you’ve read the stories, you understand the best … [Read more...] about Men’s Gut Health

Rosacea – Inflammation and gut health

The causes of rosacea are not positively proven, however the symptoms are known and, as we see this condition in clinic all the time, given time and commitment by the sufferer we know how to treat it. Want to understand more about rosacea - read here. Start with the gut biome!  This is where … [Read more...] about Rosacea – Inflammation and gut health

Rosacea – Client stories

Ronnie’s story Rosacea, when Gaye asked me to write about how I feel about my face since beginning treatment for my rosacea, the first thing to come to mind was the way I feel about myself now.  After struggling with rosacea for so long, I was starting to feel that it was getting worse with … [Read more...] about Rosacea – Client stories

Green Vegetables

We have been told to eat our "green" vegetables since childhood... but why?  What is the benefit to our skin (and bodies), and why can't we just use products instead to solve our skin issues? For a start - no matter how amazing your skin care routine is, if you are continually putting your body … [Read more...] about Green Vegetables

Congested Pores and Acne Treatments

How do you clear congested pores? Understand what is happening.   Run your fingers gently over your face. If it feels smooth, similar to a baby’s bum, it's well hydrated and in excellent condition. Perhaps it feels rough and easily flakes though, then it's probably dry, quite impaired and … [Read more...] about Congested Pores and Acne Treatments

Acne Explained

The bane of life for many of us... a pimple!  Even if you are predominantly clear skinned there will be times just when you don’t want them that one pops up – usually right in the middle of your forehead or chin!   When its just one or two usually it’s stress and diet that are the culprits.  As a … [Read more...] about Acne Explained

Sugar, Your Skin and Acne

We have all heard sugar and your skin don't mix... but why? In recent years there has been much talk about the big bad Sugar word, and where it lurks, often even hidden in so called ‘health foods’ in our diets.  In its natural form, as we find in whole fruits and veggies, sugar can be … [Read more...] about Sugar, Your Skin and Acne

Influencing factors in ageing well

So why are we delving into the influencing factors in skincare?  We have an amazing founder who has a wealth of knowledge that she kindly shares and inspired us with every week, and... Guess who is turning 60! The clinic's creator & owner of 20 years! It's time to Celebrate Gaye's Birthday … [Read more...] about Influencing factors in ageing well

Ageing Gracefully

This special day is fast approaching and so whether you specifically celebrate it or not, it’s a day most of us think about the magic of our mums. Even if you don’t “get-on” and won’t communicate you’ll still spend time reflecting on your life and how it relates and has been formed by your … [Read more...] about Ageing Gracefully

Water – Life Saver and Regenerator

Our body is made up of between 60-75% water depending on the stage of life we are in. 15% of our body weight is water which is around 4-5 kg in a normal sized adult. We know it is very important to our general well-being however studies are showing that when we are dehydrated our cognitive … [Read more...] about Water – Life Saver and Regenerator