Serums: How They Change Your Skin

Serums How They Change Your Skin


Serums – the Significant Difference!

If you want to effect change in your skin, whether it is to beat your acne, slow the process of ageing in your skin or fight your redness, you need to use serums.

Creams and moisturisers are universally known and understood, often being all that a person uses. However, although they are certainly a vital part of any skin care routine, along with cleansers it’s serums that will promote the skin changes you may be looking for.Changing Skin With Serums

Serums are the most efficient way for specialist ingredients to enter the skin – we’re talking antioxidants, such as Vitamins A, B, C, E, as well as the super ingredients containing stem-cells, peptides and those that repair DNA for anti-ageing. To do their healing, these ingredients are required to reach down deep into the base of the epidermis where they repair cell walls, either heal or gobble up the nasty ageing free radicals and/or actually enter cells to create more energy and make them function as they were designed when you were younger with clearer more supple skin.


But Skin is Waterproof!!

We’d look pretty funny and have dreadful problems with everyday life if our skin did let the water in. Knowing this, the skin care techies and scientists have created “delivery” systems that are attached individually to each ingredient to assist in driving it down to where it is needed. Somehow, these ingredients know what they need to do and where exactly they need to be – in or out of a cell!! It’s quite amazing really. It’s all about the chemistry! Only professional, medical-strength products tend to have these assisted delivery systems which is why, surprise, surprise…they work so well!!

Delivery systems are not all the same – different skin care ranges use different methods and these may also change depending on the ingredient and its required function. It might mean each ingredient is wrapped and pops out when it reaches where it needs to be or an ingredient may be inserted into a lipid wrap or it may be as simple as a road being made through the cells to enable the ingredient to travel down. Whichever delivery system is used, it gives your product’s ingredients a significant increase in their effectiveness in repairing and changing your skin – making it healthier and looking and feeling its best.


The Relevance of No Nasties!

If you have ingredients reaching the level of your skin where new cells are made, they also influence what is happening even deeper in your skin. This is where everything that’s alive is in your skin, such as your collagen, elastin and zillions of tiny blood vessels to feed your skin. If you also have nasties reaching these areas, your poor cells have to work to deal with them and use energy to expel them from your skin.  Some will need to taken in your blood stream to be processed by your liver. Again, this is why you’ll find professional, medical-strength products do not contain the parabens, SLS’s, fragrances, etc that cause harm in so many other ways in your body, as well as ageing and inflaming your skin.

Allowing too many UVA’s to this level also damages these layers of your skin – this is why sunblock every day should be an essential part of your skin care regime.


Antioxidants – The Essential Ingredients in Serums

Antioxidants work together synergistically, which means combinations of any of them will produce better results in your skin than if you choose to use only one. Vitamins C and E, especially, are required in many normal skin functions and improve significantly how Vitamins A and B work. Not nourishing your skin with Vitamins B, C and E when using a Vitamin A means it cannot do what you want effectively.


Vitamin C Serums

Luckily for you, many of our products contain combinations of these and most contain Vitamins B and E – especially the Osmosis MD products.

The main antioxidants your skin needs include Vitamins A, B, C and E. What they do is so extensive we’ve written whole articles on each one, which you can enjoy reading. However, here’s a titchy summary of the important functions of each:

Vitamin A –  normalises skin function and tricks the skin into thinking it’s younger (!).

Vitamin B –  improves blood flow and normalises the skin’s pH.

Vitamin C –  brightens, lightens, fights free radicals and enhances the effect of other antioxidants.

Vitamin E – Improves hydration.

Products that contain these ingredients can be found in the links above.






Still not sure?

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