Best neck and decolletage treatment options

Best Neck and Decolletage Treatment Options

The Sun loves your neck and decolletage…

So, your face looks 10 years younger (thanks to your outstanding skin care routine of course). You feel it’s as healthy as it can be… and yet your hands, neck and decolletage tell a different story. You always wear a hat and a good physical sunblock every day, what are you missing?

What to do?

Neck and Decolletage

Well you could wear high-necked clothes, scarves and gloves. However that isn’t always trending or practical, so here are some pointers.

The skin on your throat and particularly, on your decolletage is thinner.  Like the area around your eyes, it contains less oil glands and fewer hair follicles. It’s also often exposed to (unprotected) UV’s and other environmental factors and therefore, ages much faster than your face. It also responds much slower than your face to renewal products and treatments, arg! Making maintenance of young skin definitely the way to go – prevention rather than cure! As you age, this area ages faster with more volume loss and increased inflammation. It becomes reddened, bumpy, shows capillaries and looks tight and thin.

Combining these factors with breast-squishing activities for women causes it’s own damage. Doing things like sleeping on your side and wearing push-up and sports bras, means that (unless you are quite flat-chested) you are more than likely to develop “cleavage” lines. This occurs as your breasts are squashed together and, just like your face, repeated muscle movements create decolletage wrinkles.


Treatments for your neck and decolletage

The best decolletage treatment options are slow ones. We’re talking gentle, nourishing treatments (both products and in-clinic) that stimulate the skin’s metabolism without irritating. The decolletage is actually more responsive than your face to these treatments. This is because it’s thinner, so it’s also more sensitive and will react poorly to ingredients that are too harsh.

PCA Perfecting Neck and Decolletage

Use products that are formulated especially for this area. Our fav’ decolletage cream is PCA Skins Perfecting Neck and Decollete. Use it religiously morning and night from your jawline to your breast line. 

Whatever is left on your fingers after you’ve applied your cleansers, serums and moisturisers – take it all down. Down your throat to your decolletage. If your facial serums have very active ingredients – fantastic for you – just be a little careful in the creases of your neck. They can settle in them, creating some irritation.

If you do have a very “crinkly” throat, apply the serums after your decolletage wrinkle treatment or maybe just do it twice weekly. You may need to switch to a different, more gentle cleanser.

Always sweep your hands UP towards your jaw – give your muscles all the help you can.

If your decolletage is uncomfortable at times, applying Osmosis MD Rescue serum, Osmosis MD Clear Plus mist and then the PCA Skin Perfecting Neck and Decollete cream will make a dramatic difference. It’s quite common for post-menopausal women to feel sore in this area – quite annoying too.

Prevention is better. So, always add your UV protection products to your neck and décolletage. Moisturise and keep it as hydrated as you can. A spray mist can be really helpful during the day.


Neck and Decolletage Treatments

Facial treatments – when you have one on your face, ask if it’s appropriate for your throat and décolletage. Always add it in where you can. You really want to have hydrating treatments, such as Enzyme masks and then move onto the healing Lactic Acid treatments. These have been shown to gently exfoliate and soften your skin, whilst increasing the moisture-retaining abilities. They are much less irritating than harsher products and treatments.

Wrinkles Schminkles Before After ChestTalking of facial treatments, you know how good a sheet mask feels. Why not try one for you chest? If your feeling super dry and know you need to jump start your recovery, consider Wrinkles Schminkles InfuseFAST Mask for your decolletage. Products to sleep in for cleavage and finer lines are the Wrinkles Schminkles silicone pads. Use the After Glow serum and the Cleaning Solution as well for best results.


Best Décolletage Treatment Products

Start by nourishing this delicate area, then protect it with a UV coverage that you can re-apply during the day. Lastly keep it hydrated, a mist is easy to keep it looking great!

If you have reached your 50’s or more and are “crinkly” where you don’t wish to be – let your children know NOW…

Prevention is easier than to cure!









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