Vitamin C Review – Our Favourites!

Vitamin C ReviewEnjoying the sun? We love the Sun here in Australia, but let’s face it, it’s harsh. With one of highest rates of Melanoma’s in the world, we also need to be careful. For many of us the damage is already showing, starting as a tan or freckles and slowly ageing our skin. Did you know there’s actually a proven way to reduce this damage? We’re not kidding, and in our sun lovin’ country it’s super important. Check out this Vitamin C review and take the plunge – it’ll do wonders for you skin…


Not sure where to start? Yes, we do understand we have loads of different Vitamin C Skin Care options available as well as articles to read. Can you guess why? It’s actually really important in your skincare routine. That’s why we’ve reviewed our Vitamin C skin care for you – so you can check out a few different options. Enjoy!



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Julie’s Vitamin C Review

Product Review Julie

I was a child of the 70’s when sunscreen was just white zinc cream, and it only went on your nose. So we all looked kind of odd after a day at the beach. Lots of burnt cheeks, brown bodies and pale noses. The damage done then, and in subsequent years literally laying for hours, frying in an oil of questionable origins, is quite frightening to think about now. You wouldn’t treat/cook a sausage so badly, but hey, good times. So the reduction of excessive pigmentation, wrinkling and general dullness from that misspent youth, is a work in progress.

I have to say though, the pigmentation has faded quite substantially on my face, and I attribute that to the help of Vitamin C.

I have used three different Vitamin C’s Osmosis MD Catalyst AC-11, Aspect Dr Active C and CosMedix Elite Pepoxide. I can’t honestly say which one is better, I really have no idea. But I do know I really need to use a C product to maintain and continue to see improvement in my skin, plus protect from any further environmental damage.

I was urged, by Meg actually, to try the CosMedix Elite Pepoxide, which I’m currently using. It’s lasting forever. I thought I would have run out ages ago, but just one pump goes such a long way.  And I love saying that word, Puh! Poh! Xide, so fun to say. Maturity levels are pretty low here…

One Vitamin C product I’m really keen to try is the CosMedix Pure C Mixing Crystals. I quite like the idea of adding  a dose to anything you wish, serums, moisturisers, sunscreens, for your skin’s daily requirements. 

So if you’re looking to eradicate your past, the one that’s written on your face, you must include a Vitamin C product. It won’t happen overnight, which is highly annoying, but eventually you will see results from the magical C.”




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Phillipa’s Vitamin C Review

Product Review Phillipa

“As you may have realised, I’m changing things up this year. Trying new things. One of the products that I’ve experimented the most with is Vitamin C. Unfortunately I’m not going to be able to say which is the best, as there all good in their own way, but I can say which ones I liked and why…

I had very thin and sensitive skin while I was unwell a few years ago and I used to burn within 5 minutes of being in the sun, no matter what sunscreen I used. It’s made me super-cautious of the sun. The result is pigmentation issues that have become second nature to me.  The more I learned about Vitamin C the more I realised this was what my skin needed most. Of course, the problem with being surrounded by great products, is that you can’t really go wrong either. My pigmentation has definitely lightened while working here, using these great products.

Now that I use a Vitamin C daily, I don’t see drastic changes or setbacks when I swap products. Just a difference in how much I like using them.

Of course we have many brands, and they all have Vitamin C in some form. Last year I was using CosMedix Simply Brilliant with CosMedix Pure C Mixing Crystals. These are a “perfect pair” as they compliment and boost their results together (there’s a sneaky discount if you find the “perfect pair” option when purchasing Simply Brilliant. This left my skin looking and feeling great. Simply brilliant has a dark brown/orange look, but ends up a bit lighter on your face (although there’s that moment you apply it when you look seriously tanned, pity it doesn’t last really). Unfortunately the sad day arrived where my Pure C Mixing Crystals ran out (really, really sad!). The beauty of Pure C is that you can add a few taps of powder to any of your serums or creams for that added boost.

Anyway I decided it was time to expand my knowledge, so I swapped to Societe Brightening Serum. This is a light yellow oily serum that is instantly clear on your skin but leaves a slight sheen. As it wasn’t the only serum I was using it didn’t feel that way for long. It left my skin feeling baby smooth and once again very healthy. Of course, having suffered acne during my teens that oily feel just doesn’t tempt me, so I’ve swapped to Societe Triple C for a try. This is a clear thicker gel-like serum that dries clear but leaves a slightly sticky feel. Once again, this goes after I’ve added my other serums and moisturiser. I’ve once again had great skin with no adverse reactions.

Knowing I was coming up to writing reviews though, I have spent a bit over a month using Aspect Dr Active C with Multi B as a daily combination. I must say these two combined really are great.

The Active C has a light yellow appearance and slight citrus smell, but a little goes a long way and leaves my skin very soft. My hands really benefitted here, as I always ended up with too much serum on my hands and gave them a good rubbing in. Heavens, my hands haven’t looked this good in ages!

So, does this make me a Vitamin C hoarded – perhaps. Does this make you curious as to my fav’s? I’m a big fan of CosMedix Pure C, Societe Triple C and Aspect Dr Active C… oh, and I did try the Medik8 C-Tetra for a short while, but I’ve decided I’m not a “dropper bottle” kinda’ girl, nothing against the serums. My co-worker loves dropper bottle serums so it’s really just a preference! My next experiment will be with the Medik8 Daily Radiance Vitamin C… but really, how many Vitamin C products can you use at any one time. Eeeeek!”




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Meagan’s Vitamin C Review

Product Review Meagan

“I used to be a bit of a sun lover. Living in QLD I would lap up all the sunshine and loved the year round tan… I’m paying for it now. UV rays obviously being one of the fastest ways to age your skin, I’m now doing all I can to turn back time. If I could give anyone skin advice it would be to wear sunblock every day, paired with Vitamin C. The sunblock is doing it’s job to prevent damage, but paired with Vitamin C you then have the added bonus of a free radical fighter! It brightens the skin, evens skin tone and gets rid of that rough, dull feeling your skin gets when its damaged/not looked after correctly.

My favourite is Societe Triple C. It feels thick and luxurious, not ‘stingy’ and acidic. It feels gentle, but is incredibly potent. Used of a morning, you’ll notice your skin texture change almost right away! A week of using and you will see change. This serum makes my skin feel fresh, even and clear. It helps with acne/blemish redness and is perfect used of a morning as a skin pick me up. 😊”




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Rosie’s Vitamin C Review

Product Review Rosie

Reasons why Vitamin C is a part of my skin care routine; its brightening, hydrating and helps to even out my skin tone.  It is also important in the synthesis of collagen production in the skin, and as I’m in my mid-30s, this is very much needed!! I use Osmosis MD Catalyst AC-11 of an evening mixed with Osmosis MD Rescue.




We hope you have appreciated hearing our “real life” feedback on these products. If there is a product you have enjoyed, please leave your feedback. Your favourite cleanser, serum or moisturiser? Write a review on the website and you’ll even receive an extra 300 points. Simply locate the product (in this case Vitamin C Products), click the Reviews tab and leave your rating and review. We believe in finding products that are scientifically proven to improve your skin’s health without using nasty ingredients that we are better off avoiding.







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