after sun skin care

Vitamin C and Your Skin

The most important Antioxidant to combat UV damage in your skin is - you guessed it, Vitamin C! However, it actually does so much more... This amazing, well-proven ingredient Vitamin C is an essential part of anyone’s routine who is truly creating a healthier, better-looking skin that ages … [Read more...] about Vitamin C and Your Skin

Vitamin C for After-Sun Skin Care

Enjoyed a day out? Sunny, fun, laughter-filled day with family and friends. It’s been so good, but your skin feels a little tight and on glancing in the mirror you notice some redness. Oh dear, you think, did I get too much sun? Vitamin C for After-Sun Skin Care... You wore a hat – most of the … [Read more...] about Vitamin C for After-Sun Skin Care

SAVE YOUR SKIN! Best antioxidants before and after the sun

Did you over expose your skin this season?     Whether in the sun or snow you’ve increased the rate it ages and the fact that you are reading this tells me you care about this fact. Skin that ages faster than normal is not healthy skin. Normal aging results from the … [Read more...] about SAVE YOUR SKIN! Best antioxidants before and after the sun