Your baby has been born! Congratulations!! It’s such an adrenaline rush – but so many more decisions to make. Most of these are about feeding and sleeping, burping and – well, the other end. However, you should also consider Taking Care of Baby’s Skin.
Just like you, only much more so, your baby’s skin absorbs whatever you put on it. In fact, it absorbs more readily, and the last thing you want is for his or her little body, new in this world, to have to cope with nasty chemicals – from the bath or the nappy cream. Nasties include fragrances and antibacterial as well as deodorising ingredients.
It sounds very dramatic, I know. However, for 9 months you gave up many favourite foods, coffee and alcohol and now you are breastfeeding, you are being equally careful, so why put something on your baby’s skin if you don’t know what is in it?
Common Toxic Chemicals to Avoid is an article you might like to read, then download the toxic list – it’s interesting reading.
What do we recommend? Certified Organic products are the only ones you should be applying on your baby – and on you too! Taking Care of Baby’s Skin is about avoiding nasties and giving natural goodness.
If you’d like to learn how to know if a product is Certified Organic or what the difference might be of Certified to just Organic – read here.
In today’s world of ever increasing chemicals in everything, it is wise to do a little research. The Miessence range of personal care products are actually Certified Organic to FOOD STANDARDS – this means it won’t harm your baby if he/she swallows any.
Mother of 3, Grandma of 3 and Old Midwife – notes from Gaye on caring for baby’s skin –
Safe skin care for babies
Generally, babies don’t need soap – they don’t really get dirty, do they? Wipe their nether regions carefully with a wet cloth and save the fancy nappy wipes for when you are out and about. The wet cloths, of course, can be washed – saves a lot of that necessary evil – money! If you’d prefer to use a cleansing agent of some sort, a little squirt of the Miessence Body Wash will do the trick. Ok to wash their hair with as well.
Water should be a touch warmer than you think it should be – stops them crying and they’ll relax and love it. That helps with your stress!
Dry very carefully in all their creases – it’s a pain when they are crying and wriggling about, but they’ll do more of both if they develop an excrutiating rash behind their ears or down in their groin.
Don’t use talc – it clogs up their tiny pores, which stops their skin from breathing and they can also inhale the fumes. Talc is an ingredient we can all live without. If it’s warm enough, giving your baby some nappy free time to kick around is something they nearly all love, especially as they get older.
Find a non-nasty, non- fragranced nappy cream. My daughter uses the Miessence Barrier Balm and I always give it as a present for a new mum. You don’t need much and it works. Otherwise, stick with the old staple Sudacream. Please avoid Vaseline.
Massage cream – my children loved a soft, gentle, creamy massage and the Miessence Body Cream is a beautiful product to softly treat them with. It will relax them – hopefully, to sleep! Then you can treat yourself with it, too.
The best EVER ointment for everything and anything your baby’s skin suffers from is the CosMedix Rescue Balm. It is soothing, healing, anti-bacterial, nasty-free and simply just works. Mozzie bites, grazes, drooling rashes, horrible spotty nappy rashes – it works! I wish I had had some when I had my three – so many years ago!!
UV Protection for the Under-Ones and Toddlers
Lastly, and the most important factor in caring for your baby’s skin, is UV protection. Your baby’s natural protective systems are under developed until at least the age of one. They do need to be kept out of direct sunlight, whether they have white skin or olive. I have one of each in my grandsons, but both their mums are vigilant in protecting their now toddler boys, which I am grateful for.
We are taught Slip, Slop, Slap, however in most sunscreens there are chemicals of some degree. Read your labels and know your ingredients.
A product which you can use is the Miessence Reflect Outdoor Balm. It is thick and a little hard to apply, but being zinc-based will really do the trick. The white dissipates after a minute or two.
Applying it to a slightly damp skin or with wet hands will help it to slip on a wriggling body.
Having a toddler you might like the CosMedix Spray On Reflect. It is a physical block, so you need to reapply after swimming or every 2 hours, however it is easy to get on them and it works.
Knowledge is power, now you have it, sit back and enjoy your baby and all the years ahead!
Still not sure?
If you need more help or would like personalised advice, book now for your consultation with a skin care advisor. Offering information on what skincare products are best for you. Check out our range of in-clinic services today.
Otherwise fill in the Online Skin Consultation. Our skin care advisor will happily help you. Choosing the right treatments and products for your skin type or concern.
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