Bridal Makeup – DIY!

Wedding Makeup DIY
Bridal Makeup How To DIY
How To DIY Bridal Makeup
Bridal Makeup DIY

Wedding Makeup

Let’s talk about your up and coming wedding day. We’re almost certain you’ve got a clear vision of how the day will run… you’re either excited by the fun, but crazy chaos, that comes with a hair and makeup team, or you’d prefer to keep it simple (and hopefully calm) by adding the glamour of bridal makeup yourself.


If you’ve decided you’d like to skip the entourage of qualified professionals (usually strangers) joining your bridal party, we’ve got some great tips for getting you fabulous all on your own.


The best advice we can give is to start early and practice!! Spend some time researching looks that you think would suit you and practice recreating them yourself. Try to be realistic as possible about it. You don’t want to stray too far from your every day makeup, the last thing you need is to feel uncomfortable, your makeup should be a distant thought once finished. We have a quick rundown on general Party Season Makeup in the article link below.

Two things you want to keep in mind is light, and photography. A lot of ceremonies are during the day, so you’ll need to factor in bright sunlight (showing all your blending skills) and how your makeup will look professionally photographed. Photography will be a huge contributor as you’ll need to apply more to show definition in photos, specifically your blush and contouring.  If possible, work with your photographer on the day, ask for a photo to be taken mid application, and again at the end. Don’t feel like a Diva, everyone does it, you need to know that you’re happy with how it looks. Imagine getting all your photos back and all you can think is I need more colour here, blending there, or god forbid, my neck isn’t the same colour as my face!

Outside Wedding Makeup

If your ceremony is outside, you’ll need to use SPF under your foundation. We’ve seen many a bride with lovely pink/hot/sunburnt faces and chests, and it’s something you just want to avoid at all costs.  Stick to SPF15+ as photography flash can sometimes reflect when SPF’s are higher washing out your photos. If you’re having a spray tan, consider using Three Warriors and ensure you have a trial run to match your foundation at the same time.



Wedding Makeup FlawlessTry to use skin care products that are lightweight but also hydrating. We’ve tried to make your life easy, by giving a timeline of your skin care routine right up to prior to your big day. You want your skin to have that nice healthy, plump, glow, but not slippery, shiny or greasy. Spend the months leading up to your big day, using the same routine of products and treatments. You don’t want to introduce anything new on the day, you just want it to be functioning well and happy. Antioxidants first such as Aspect Dr Hyaluronic Serum and Osmosis MD Replenish, moisturisers such as CosMedix Hydrate with SPF and primers are all must haves, then add in your favourites if needed (eye cream may be necessary for nervous lack of sleep brides) and I personally love CosMedix Eye Genius. Below are some article links related specifically to makeup for dry or acne skin – to assist you if required, and our all-handy Special Events Skin Prep Timeline!!!.



Bridal Makeup Aspect Dr Hyaluronic Serum and Colorescience Corrector Palette

Choosing your foundation is, in our opinion, the most important part of your makeup application. If you have dry skin, you don’t want to use anything too matte (even if you’ve been told to use one because it will stay on longer) There are options like silky matte, which will accommodate those with tight, dry or impaired skin, but still last beautifully throughout the day, my preference is the Osmosis Colour CC Cream. Powder is a must for all skin types. Translucent powder is our top pick, as it doesn’t add any coverage or colour, it’s purely to set, finish, airbrush imperfections and have the skin looking flawless. Have a look at the Osmosis Colour Makeup ranges and also have on hand a concealer option such as Colorescience Mineral Corrector Palette, so if there are last minute imperfections with your skin you can easily fix them, pronto! The bonus with this type of correcting option is the large variety of issues the one compact will be able to fix.



Wedding Makeup Eyes

If you’ve chosen to recreate a smoky eye, apply your eye makeup before your foundation, as this usually involves a deep/dark colour which you don’t want to fall onto your perfectly applied foundation. Use a buffing brush to swipe excess away and then work on your complexion.

When it comes to lips, even if you don’t normally wear a lip liner, try and lightly apply one for your special day. It will make sure you have some colour on your lips, even after the ‘I do’, and kissing all your lovely guests. You can either add lip gloss (try and avoid sticky/tacky gloss) or lipstick (again avoid high shine) on top. Dap lipstick in the centre of your lips and smudge for a more ‘stained’ affect that won’t end up on your champagne glass. Rose, pink and nude lipsticks tend to work best.

False lashes, especially individuals, are a beautiful way to define your eyes when applied correctly. The only problem with doing this yourself, or by your bestie, is they are applied AFTER your eye makeup; which runs the risk of potential disaster. Researching eyelash extensions may be an option, getting an Eyelash Lift at a salon the week before, or you could practice, practice, practice (every single weekend) to ensure you’ve got it down pat.

Bridal Makeup Osmosis Brow Gel Colorscience Eye Definer and Brows KitUsing an eye primer or concealer isn’t necessary for every day use, but on your wedding day, you want your makeup to look as perfectly placed at midnight as it did at midday. It will be tested! It will need to endure crying, tears of laughter, smudging from overly excited guests, spilt champagne… okay, not all the above, but anything can happen.  By using a primer, followed by gel or waterproof eyeliner and mascara, you should be smudge and crease free. If tears appear, wipe away in an upward motion, so you don’t end up with water lines running down your cheeks. Don’t forget your eyebrows amongst all of this. If Eyebrow Gel or pencils are not something you normally use, you’ll be surprised how much definition is added to your face in photos and there is no need to go overboard to make a big difference.



This is where your handbag becomes your best friend. Hide a compact of translucent powder (with mirror), possibly stick foundation as its easy to apply, lipstick, and blush for touch up during the day. If you have oily skin, you probably already use these, but if you haven’t tried, pick yourself up some blotting papers! One dab and that shine is gone, magic!

All in all, the main rules are, think of your setting and the light (beaming sunshine?) How comfortable will you’ll feel in the look you’ve chosen, and can you realistically recreate it? Have you prepared for tears? And are you ready for one million photos? If the answer is yes, yes, yes, then you’re ready to recreate your own Meghan Markle makeup perfection 😊


Wedding Makeup Outdoors Celebration




Still not sure?

If you need more help or would like personalised advice on what skincare products are best for you, book now for your consultation with a skin care advisor:

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Or fill in the Online Skin Consultation and Gaye, our registered nurse, will happily help you to choose the right treatments and products for your skin type or concern.

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