Osmosis MD Product Review

Get ready for a treat. Today is our Osmosis MD Product Review. For some brands skin care is led by nature, for others it’s science. The brand Osmosis MD is created to combine the best of both, but with a greater focus on science. Creating patented products that are toxin-free while providing lasting change in the health of your skin. As a brand they focus on holistic skin care. Trying to treat the skin issues from the source of the problem, as well as the visible damage.

Over 12 years ago, our innovative founder, Ben Johnson, MD, created non-toxic skincare products and treatments that combine the purity of naturally sourced ingredients with revolutionary, doctor-developed, and scientifically validated formulas that deliver on his promise of permanent change. Our understanding of the true sources of skin issues combined with clinical trials and before-and-after photos, prove that this approach has led skincare into a new paradigm.

Osmosis Skin Care

Each of us in the clinic have a favourite Osmosis MD product. They’re really hard NOT to like. Combining a great feel, results you can see (and feel) and luxe packaging. It’s all there. Are you ready to find out which products made it into the spotlight today? Check them out, as well as these great before/after shots care of Osmosis in action!


Osmosis Before AfterOsmosis Before After Osmosis Before After

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Meg’s Osmosis MD Product Review

Product Review Meg

“Osmosis – so much to love… The name, the packaging, the luxury feel, the way it looks in my bathroom cupboard…

Just on the packaging, I used to love the blue and white bottles that Osmosis had way back in mid 2019. I thought that it looked fresh and clinical, but oh my lord, the new copper and cream just oozes luxury! The pumps look like they have been handcrafted by an artisan blacksmith! I am also pleased that they now come in a box (which can be recycled). The reason I like this is because I almost always give skincare as a gift and now that each product comes in an individual box, it seems a little more special.

Anyway – enough about the superficial stuff, because it is what’s INSIDE the bottles that really matters.

I have been a long time user of Osmosis, and most of my in-clinic clients are on at least one Osmosis product (because they make something for everyone). But here today, I am going to talk about one Osmosis product that I will NEVER be without. That is because it’s a magic serum (not really but probably) and it is called RESCUE. And if you are wondering what it does, then the clue is in the name… it quite literally RESCUES your skin from so many concerns. My number one skin concern is enlarged pores and it’s the one thing that has single handedly improved these ten fold. I am not even joking.

OK – here is the low down on Osmosis MD Rescue:

Osmosis MD RescueWhat is it?

Osmosis Rescue is a complete epidermal repair which combines modern technology and ancient herbs into a daily serum.

What does it do?

It will neutralise toxins, calm inflammation, activate epidermal wound repair, minimise the appearance of pores and age spots, dramatically improve skin texture, help clear Acne, help to heal Rosacea, helps to remove Hyperpigmentation (including Melasma), slows the signs of ageing and boosts the immunity of the skin.

Who can benefit from it?

Everyone! Particularly those with inflamed skin, Acne, Rosacea, Hyperpigmentation, Melasma and Liver spots.

How to apply it:

Apply 1-2 pumps morning and night. It can also be used as a spot treatment for blemishes, age spots and other forms of inflammation.

What it feels like:

Like a normal serum but it dries quite quickly so I usually spray a couple of pumps of Osmosis MD Boost over the top to help it absorb. Boost is a nutrient and antioxidant rich harmonised water that helps to hydrate and repair the skins barrier.

Rescue also smells a little like chlorine, but don’t be alarmed, it contains no toxic chemicals, it’s just the way in which the formula has been oxidised.




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Julie’s Osmosis MD Product Review

Product Review Julie

If you asked a chimpanzee, looking at a big glorious bunch of bananas, which one is your favourite, what would the answer be?… “Ah ah, ooh ooh, ee ee ee”… you probably already know that this, translated, means “Are you kidding? All of them!” Put me in front of my Osmosis MD products and ask me to choose my favourite, I must be a monkey, are you kidding?, all of them!

Apologies Meg, I can’t pick one. You will have to be content with my full list of favourites, from my very favourite range of skincare. I’ll try and stick with the serums, so as not to overwhelm… maybe.

Osmosis MD StemfactorBefore beginning to use the serums, my skin had developed a look, many of the more mature ladies out there may be familiar with. It is so hard to describe…squishy? That’ll do. You just wake up one day, look in the mirror, and a very distinctive sinking feeling overcomes you, what the hell happened! However, within a few weeks of beginning a regular skincare routine with Osmosis MD, my skin transformed into something much more acceptable, and lost the squishiness. The tone evened out, it was more hydrated and of course the texture was so much better.

So to eliminate the squish, these are a must in my routine.

Stem Factor Serum to stimulate the growth of new cells to build collagen and elastin, Catalyst AC-11 it’s a DNA repair serum, so helps in visibly reducing the appearance of broken capillaries and fine lines, Correct Preventative Retinol Serum provides the Vitamin A needed for skin age reversal, without the harshness that you may get from other Vitamin A products. And NOW I’m really excited to have, only yesterday, started using Rescue Epidermal Repair Serum which they say if used in conjunction with Catalyst AC-11 can produce some amazing pigmentation changes. I also always use serums with the Osmosis MD Clear Spray, it gives optimum absorption, and makes all the difference. When Osmosis MD introduced their new packaging last year, Osmosis MD Clear Spray was rebranded and reformulated as Infuse Nutrient Activating Mist but I still have heaps of the Clear Spray left, it lasts forever, and we do still have some in stock. Happy days.

I love to indulge in a mask once or twice a week, and my all time favourite is Osmosis MD Polish It gives your skin a real glow and really does ‘polish’ the skin. Oh I could go on and on, but I will stop there.

The price point of Osmosis MD may deter some from trying, but I implore you to give it a go. It goes a long way and some products that are less expensive, only last half the time, so in the end the initial outlay for Osmosis MD is actually more economical.

I hope I’ve encouraged at least one person to try this wonderful brand. You can send my ‘thank you’ gift to Monkey at The Skin Care Clinic.




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Phillipa’s Osmosis MD Product Review

Product Review Phillipa

“Okay, I have heaps of favourites when it comes to Osmosis MD. They combine a luxe look with a great feel and proven results… definitely a winning combination!

osmosis md replenishThe product that I’m going to rave about today is Replenish. This little gem is so jam packed full of goodness that it combines all your morning serums into one! It has Vitamin B and C, which you all know are important. Better yet, it can replace your Vitamin A when your skin is impaired or when you’re pregnant and breastfeeding.

Containing 17 antioxidants to brighten and protect your skin against ageing, it helps to fight free-radical damage while actively stimulating collagen… yes please!!! It’s an orange serum which has a faint citrus smell, it feels light on your skin and quickly absorbs in.

I really can’t say enough about this serum. If you’re looking for your every day goodness in one easy application, this is it. Your everyday skin health is covered! So, remember Replenish is your new best friend!”




We hope you have appreciated hearing our “real life” feedback on these products. If there is a product you have enjoyed, please leave your feedback. Your favourite cleanser, serum or moisturiser? Write a review on the website and you’ll even receive an extra 300 points. Simply locate the product (in this case the Osmosis MD products we’ve just reviewed), click the Reviews tab and leave your rating and review. We believe in finding products that are scientifically proven to improve your skin’s health without using nasty ingredients that we are better off avoiding.







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  1. Anonymous says

    I have been using The Skincare Clinic products for  over two years now. I did an online consultation and from there never looked back!
    I was recommended skin care products in the Osmosis MD range & I can highly recommend them!  They transformed my older/sun damaged skin to the point it was not only noticeable to myself but to others as well. Which was the absolute proof that my new skin care regime was working! 
    I will  be continuing my lovely relationship with Osmosis MD! 

    • Meg H. says

      Thank you, so glad you are using (and loving) this wonderful range of products, they are truly life changing.
      Wishing you a long, happy and fruitful relationship 🙂

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