Free Radicals

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They make cells dysfunctional…

Free radicals are minute chemical particles that are usually the result of an inflammatory chemical process – they are the leftover bits caused from cellular damage or – as I like to call them – the “baddies” in our skin. Simply put, they are healthy cells turned bad as a result of trauma; the more we have, the faster our skin ages and the faster we look older.

Causes of increased free radical damage

  • stress
  • a busy lifestyle
  • poor diet and alcohol
  • smoking, legal and illegal drugs
  • illness, preganancy
  • UV penetration
  • pollution
  • what is applied to our skin

When combined with the natural aging process, we experience dead lifeless skin, uneven tones, blemishes, pigmentation and wrinkles.

Free radicals are not complete atoms and are unstable. They go hunting to complete themselves, taking a “bit” from a normal atom. This may make them normal, but the second atom isn’t, so the process grows and grows increasing the amount of inflammation in your skin and, over time, making it more difficult to heal and therefore to recreate a healthier you.

Imagine a collagen fibre – made up of many, many atoms. If the “bit” is taken from one of these, it changes the chemical structure of the fibre, causing a break. If over years there are multiple breaks, the collagen becomes dysfunctional and loses its elastic quality. The skin begins to sag…as gravity takes hold, and you see wrinkles and thickened, loose, maybe roughened skin.

Free radicals chip away at cell walls, at DNA and eventually cause the death of that cell. It is a progressive process and happens throughout our bodies in every organ. It is a normal process, but if we want to age slowly we need to keep it in control and, in today’s world, with the right products and care we can; science has shown us this.

By removing or reducing the source of free radical activity, such as UV exposure, there will be a slowing of the aging process in the skin. The more trauma you eliminate, the quicker you will see and feel a more significant improvement in your skin.

What skin care products can help?  

  • a great cleanser based on lactic acid to hydrate and heal the top layers
  • topical antioxidants to nourish your skin – more, more and more of these
  • Vitamin A skin care product –  to reduce irritation and remodel cells
  • sunblock every day, no matter where you are or what the weather is doing. Limit your UV exposure: slip, slop, slap
  • a chemical free, chirally correct skin care product to reduce the inflammation and trauma being caused

And equally important – take care with lifestyle issues, eat a good diet and drink plenty of water.


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