How many times have you looked in the mirror and thought, my skin looks good today, I could possibly go without foundation?! These days pop up for all of us, no matter what your skin type and condition. A quick look in the mirror, followed by happy amazement, which is generally followed by a decision to apply a full face of foundation anyway. We’ve all done it, because it’s just absurd to leave the house without your flawless foundation right? The irritating truth is, foundation can sometimes dampen this natural, dewy, fresh appearance. It can sometimes mattify the skin too much, intensify those fine lines and wrinkles. Leaving you feeling slightly disappointed in yourself.
“Why didn’t I let the world see how good my skin looks today”!!
We understand for most people this isn’t an everyday event (yes there are a small minority of people out there who never wear foundation or feel the need, and we are very jealous). Your skin goes through cycles, changing it’s appearance from day to day, week to week! If one of these fabulous skin days is looking back at you in the mirror, embrace it! Go Foundation Free. Pack your makeup in your handbag in case you change your mind throughout the day. But take the risk and see how different you feel and look. We bet you look fresher, younger, and people will comment!
But… (there’s a but) let’s be honest, perfect skin days usually happen on the days you have no plans. The days you were already planning on spending at home, in your trackpants with no visitors… but that’s fine! You’re now having a pamper day! Let your skin breathe, release toxins, and produce it’s own natural oils. While you’re at it, finish the day off with a mask. Such as Aspect Fruit Enzymes Mask, or Osmosis MD Tropical Mango Mask and add in a good dose of antioxidants (especially Vitamin A) before bed, to see if you can run this good skin day into tomorrow!
When’s your next Foundation Free Pamper Day?
Another great time to enjoy a Foundation Free face, is to tie it in with a detox! If you’re about to embark on any sort of body transformation, whether that’s a new boot camp class, cross fit programme you’ve started (go you) or you’ve decided to detox your insides with a Miessence detox challenge (so incredible for your skin and gut health), your skin will also jump on board! Being your largest organ it’s affected by life changes such as diet and exercise. If you’re giving your body a chance to release toxins, sweat, and produce hormones you will most likely see change in your skin. For a total body transformation, work in your makeup free day (or even better, week) during this time, as they all flow and work together.
In saying all this, foundation, when using the right product, isn’t necessarily bad for your skin. The first thing to understand about foundation is understanding what’s IN your foundation. You’re putting in all this hard work with your skin care, trying to add hydration, slow down the ageing process, treat any skin concerns, and the last thing you want to do is ruin all this, by adding nasty chemicals on top.
Foundation Ingredients to Avoid
When shopping for your new foundation, you want to look out for ingredients such as talcum powder-This is a carcinogenic, enough said! Fragrances. Yes it smells luxurious, but fragrance is highly irritating on the skin and a common irritant, especially in combination with preservatives.
Mineral Oil is considered a comedogenic agent, which clogs your pores (causing disaster). Alcohol in liquid foundation is used as a preservative, which can kill antioxidants, promote dryness and encourage trans epidermal water loss (the loss of water that passes from inside your body through your skin). All nasty, and all no good for us chasing a dewy fresh faced appearance.
LUCKILY, we’ve done all the research for you! Our makeup ranges are all free from nasty ingredients, and blend beautifully into the skin, giving a flawless yet natural finish. We still recommend having those makeup free days to let your skin do it’s natural thing. When using a cosmeceutical brand, you’ll know when it’s business as usual, your skin won’t be harmed in the process. Check out our Osmosis and Colorscience collections and enjoy your guilt free, flawless complexion 😊
Still not sure?
If you need more help or would like personalised advice on what skincare products are best for you, book now for your consultation with a skin care advisor:
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Or fill in the Online Skin Consultation and Gaye, our registered nurse, will happily help you to choose the right treatments and products for your skin type or concern.
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